Iowa Old Press

The Alton Democrat
Saturday, Feb. 10, 1923


A quiet, but impressive service was used on Friday, Feb. 2, when Rev. Evarts
united the hands and lives of Miss Mabel M. Jansma and Mr. Ira Vanderbeck,
both of this city.

The marriage occurred at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.
Jansma, our postmaster. Promptly at 8:30 p.m. Mrs. George Jansma played
Lohengrin’s wedding march and the young couple took their places. They were

The bride wore a pretty brown taffeta dress and the groom wore a suit of
blue serge. About 25 guests witnessed the ceremony. The out of town guests
were Mr. and Mrs. John Goslinga and Mr. and Mrs. Ben VerHoef from Sanborn.
After dainty refreshments were served the happy couple drove to Sanborn with
the latter to spend a few days.

The bride needs no introduction to people of Hospers as she has lived here
since infancy. She grew to womanhood in our midst, and graduated with her
class in 1918. She taught school a few years and when her father became
postmaster she became his assistant which position she capably fills and
will retain. She also will continue to teach music, having a class of some
20 pupils.

The groom is nearly as well known as the lady of his choice. He is a young
man of good habits and sterling worth. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Vanderbeck, our dairyman, and is the efficient employee at the Arie Te
Grotenhuls garage. Both young people are members of the First Ref. church
and have a host of friends who join with the correspondent in wishing them
joy. They will be at home to their friends at Hospers after March 1st.

Among those attending the declamatory contest at Primghar Monday night were
the DeVries family, Mrs. J. J. Galman, Miss Annette Sheels and Dave Everts.
The preliminary State contest will also be held there.

Mr. Pete Jungers returned from the Twin Cities Sunday eve.

Mr. John Zeldenthuis was here on business Thursday and Friday.

Miss Mabel Janson was a Sheldon shopper Tuesday.

Mrs. P. Pavlics was ill for a few days. She has recovered.

Mrs. M. DeBooy spent a few days visiting relatives at Orange City, returning
home Thursday night.

Dr. M. DeBooy attended the LeMars, Orange City basket ball game at Orange
City Thursday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hyink entertained a few friends at a Somerset party Friday
evening. A pleasant time is reported.

Mr. and Mrs. M. Oosterhuis and Mrs. A. Alingh motored to Sioux City Thursday
to call on Mrs. D. H. Lemkuhl, a patient at St. Joseph’s.

Ed Greiser attended the firemen’s ball at Sheldon Thursday.

The Ladies League met with Mrs. C. F. Sheels Thursday afternoon.

Mrs. J. W. Everts and son, Dave, and Waldo DeVries were Sheldon callers

Mrs. Dr. Gallagher was called to the bedside of her daughter at Iowa City
and another daughter from Sibley has come to keep house for the doctor
during Mrs. Gallagher’s absence.

Mrs. Angeline Schaufhausen returned Sunday evening from her trip to the Twin

Mr. H. Van Muster of Sanborn was in town on business Friday.

Mrs. Jake VanderMeer took the Saturday morning train for Sheldon to spend
the day.

Mrs. Alberts and children drove to Sioux Center Thursday to attend the
wedding of Miss Jennie Roelofs to Henry VanAarsten.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Mulder of Carnes visited at the Prof. Mulder home Wed.

Mr. and Mrs. Straatsma and Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Van der Hoop and sons of
Sioux Center were here Friday to pay relatives a farewell visit before
departing for their new home near Zeeland, Mich. The families visited were
the J. H. Albert and A. J. Nieuwenhuis, Mrs. Te Streoet and D. L. Muyskens
homes. Mr. Vander Hoop expects to drive his car across country. He says the
Alton Democrat will be a weekly visitor to them in Michigan. We wish them
happiness in their new home.

Mr. and Mrs. G. Boone entertained Mr. and Mrs. Reinders of Carnes Wednesday.

Miss Ann DeWeert, our local nurse, too the train Saturday morning for
Matlock, where she was called to a patient.

A pretty wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Vant Hoff
Wednesday when promptly at six o’clock in the afternoon their son Gerrit was
united in marriage to Miss Johanna DeKruif. The bride was becomingly attired
in a black silk canton crepe dress. The wedding guests were the near
relatives of both bride and groom. A 6 o’clock dinner was served immediately
after the ceremony. The happy couple will live on a farm north east of
Sheldon which was recently purchased from Mr. Wiebe Riemersma by the groom’s
father. Congratulations.

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