Iowa Old Press

Rock Valley Bee
Friday, April 15, 1921


The American Reformed Church congregation at Sibley are planning to build a
$12,000 church this season.

Will Erichsen shot and killed a large American eagle on his farm near Remsen
a few days ago. The bird measured six feet and seven inches.

M. Johnson, of Beresford, S.D., lost a nearly new Kissel car recently by
fire. He was driving along the road when the car caught fire. The car was
insured for $100.00.

Rev. Tuberville, pastor of the Methodist church at Sheldon, has been
transferred to a larger church at Oskaloosa, Iowa. Rev. M.P. Arrasmith of
Sac City has been appointed to the charge at Sheldon.

An automobile belonging to Peter Ruisch was stolen from in front of a church
in LeMars during church services. When Ruisch came out of the church his car
was gone. The car was a new Buick.

C.W. McAllister, of Hawarden, had been spending the winter in California,
died suddenly on the train on his way home. He leaves a wife and three sons,
two living at Hawarden and one in Wyoming.

Twenty-five tax payers of Sibley through their attorneys have filed a
petition asking that a permanent injunction be placed against proceeding
with some paving which the city has contracted for.

The J.B. McMillan horse sale held at the Lakewood Farm recently was a great
success. Thirteen thoroughbreds and quite a number of grade horses were
sold at satisfactory prices. The thoroughbreds averaged a little over $300.

Five million eggs were destroyed by fire at Canton last week when the
building in which they were stored caught fire and was burned. Also some
poultry and a large number of egg cases were burned. The loss is estimated
at $37,000.00.

Miss Bessie McNutt of Sheldon has been elected county superintendent of the
schools of O'Brien County. She is at present teaching at Madison, S.D., but
will resign there to take charge of the work in O'Brien County the first of

Nineteen of the fine milk cows from the herd of Wm. Bear of Cedar Rapids,
who had been accredited with having the best dairy farm in that section of
Iowa, were slaughtered on orders from the state veterinarian. The cows were
tested and found to have tuberculosis.

Funeral services for Jake Levering, the first Sioux County boy to lose his
life in battle in France, were held at his former home at Maurice and the
remains were taken to Ireton for burial in the Ireton cemetery. The remains
were recently shipped back from France. Several hundred members of the
American Legion from posts at Alton, Orange City and Maurice formed the
funeral escort, and the firing squad of Alton post performed the rites at
the grave. [Transcriber note: Jake Levering died May 12, 1918. He is buried
Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Ireton, Iowa.]

Mrs. Walker Bushby was kicked by a horse and severely injured while standing
on the curb in front of the post-office at Ireton. Two boys were running a
horse race through the street and one of the horses became unmanageable,
threw its rider, and ran into the crowd standing on the sidewalk, and
rearing on its hind legs, its front leg struck Mrs. Bushby a hard blow. The
horse fell over backwards and struck just a few inches from where Mrs.
Bushby had fallen.

A clever swindler victimized a business man in Madison, S.D., to the extent
of a 100-pound sack of sugar. The strange claimed his home was several miles
south of Madison, and ordered a bill of goods among which was a 100-pound
sack of sugar. While the order was being filled, the stranger said he would
take the sugar out to his auto and would return for the rest of the goods.
The last seen of him or the sugar was when he disappeared through the front
door with the sack of sugar on his shoulder.

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