Iowa Old Press

Maurice Times, May 2, 1918

Wedding a Surprise- Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Mensink, this week, announce the
Marriage of their daughter Eva Henrietta to Private George De Groot of Camp
Grant, Rockford, Ill., Saturday, April 27, 1918.

Mrs. De Groot will remain with her husband during his stay at
Rockford. The newlyweds surprised their most intimate friends and very few
of them are saying, "I told you so". They are splendid young folks and while
they begin their wedded life under trying circumstances and the war cloud is
dark with uncertainty, but the dawn of a better day will soon break we

Maurice Times, May 9, 1918

Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Mieras autoed to Sioux City Saturday night where
they visited J.S. Mieras family over Sunday.

Ralph Mieras and family autoed to Sioux City where they visited
relatives. They drove that famous Cole Eight.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mieras and Miss Lillian Mieras autoed to Hawarden
Saturday night.

Maurice Times, May 16, 1918

J.E. Mieras is putting a partition in the telephone Exchange building
to accommodate the new barber who is soon to open another barber shop in

Wm. Mieras took a change of work this week and planted corn on his
farm instead of selling separators and hardware. It is only a prophecy of
what all the business men in town will have to do if the war continues.

Maurice Times, May 23, 1918

Mrs. Will Van Peursem and sons Chester and Phillip were shopping in
LeMars Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mieras and sons Billie and Donald were visiting
relatives in Sioux City Monday.

Mrs. J.M. Mieras and Mabel Huesinkveld went to LeMars Wednesday to see
their sister Mrs. Kukak, who is in the hospital there.

Maurice Times, May 30, 1918

Glen Mieras, who has been suffering with pneumonia for a week, is much
better. He is a fortunate boy.

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