Iowa Old Press

Maurice Times, Maurice, Iowa.
January 6, 1917

Chas. Mieras from Sioux City spent New Years here.

Chester Van Peursem returned here Saturday from a visit to Platte,

Oliver Mieras has been on the sick list a few days this week.

Maurice Times, January 13, 1917

Mrs. Ralph Mieras and children returned home Wednesday after a visit
of two weeks with relatives at Woolsey.

John M. Mieras left Wednesday for Harrisburg, S.D. to visit with his

Maurice Times, January 27, 1917

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Mieras entertained a number of their friends
Tuesday evening.

J.E. Mieras and daughter Helma were at Sioux City Sunday. Mrs. Mieras
returned the same day and Miss Helma returned Tuesday.

The Mensink family have taken turns entertaining the La Grippe; all
are on the road to recovery.

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