Iowa Old Press

The Hawarden Independent
July 22, 1915

Happenings of Interest in Towns and Country Around Us

Cherokee has a baseball team of ex-leaguers in the field now.

Dr. A. Mauer of Iowa City will locate in Merrill for the practice of

Gerrit Wegter, residing three miles west of Boyden, killed a large wolf one
morning last week just as the animal was in the act of carrying a number of
chickens from his hen roost.

The Chisholm farm, a mile south of Rock Valley, and recently owned by Ole H.
Olson of Humboldt, S.D., was sold at auction last week to F. Vander Stoep of
Rock Valley for $171 per acre.

The city council of Beresford are considering the advisability of issuing
refunding bonds for the purpose of taking up the outstanding indebtedness of
the city. At the present time all warrants issued by the city are discounted
when turned into cash, and all outstanding warrants draw seven percent
interest. It is believed that the refunding bonds could easily be disposed
of at a considerably lower interest rate and there by effect a saving in the
financial administration of the city's affairs.

Willie Johannsen, son of P.C. Johannsen of Alcester, fell from a horse a
week ago Sunday and his shoulder was dislocated.

The Boyden schools are much cramped for room and the board is talking of
calling a special election for the purpose of voting bonds to erect a new

Chas. Tillma of Hospers, who passed a civil service examination about a year
ago for a position in the U.S. Weather Bureau, has received instructions to
report at New Orleans for duty.

J.C. Pryde, for the past eighteen years postmaster at Boyden, has
surrendered the office to his successor, H.W. Pitstick. Mr. Pryde succeeds
Mr. Pitstick as manager of the Button Elevator Co. at Boyden.

G.J. Moen of the Fairview State Bank has purchased a block of stock in the
First National Bank of Canton and has been chosen as first vice-president of
that institution. He will move to Canton and become actively identified with
the bank's affairs.

Two prosperous Plymouth county farmers traded places last week with a
consideration to boot. Jack Tindall purchased the H.V. Seppings farm of 309
acres near Dalton for $200 per acre and Mr. Seppings took in one of the
Tindall farms, comprising 240 acres, at $150 per acre.

During the storm at LeMars Saturday night Emil Laux was driving home from
his place of business when his horse ran into a live wire which had been
blown into the streets and was instantly electrocuted. Mr. Laux in getting
out of his buggy set his foot on the wire and received a severe shock.

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