Iowa Old Press

Alton Democrat
September 5, 1914

Dr. Smedley returned Saturday from a business visit at Ames.

Miss Minnie Weiland of LeMars was an over-Sunday visitor at the G. Hoeven home.

Miss Elsie Walchenbach of Hospers is visiting here with her friend, Miss Christine Gerst. She came Wednesday.

Will Kooreman expects to leave Sunday evening for the Twin Cities on a business trip. He also expects to attend the Minnesota State Fair.

Mrs. M. Sweeney and Miss Grace Thornycroft left Monday for their home in Chicago. While here they visited at the Pete Schroeder home.

Mrs. S. R. Sipma and granddaughter, Marjorie, left this Friday for Lemmon, S. D., and other points in that vicinity for a month’s visit with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Coffee Bryant, A. Vanden Brink and Case Salie of Boyden were business visitors in Alton on Tuesday. Mr. Vanden Brink is the Democratic candidate for County Treasurer and will soon open his campaign.

There will be a band concert in Alton as usual on Saturday evening by the Newkirk band. The evenings are getting cooler and the season for concerts will soon be closed. You better plan to attend the next few concerts. The crowds have been big each Saturday evening. Better make it a point to spend your Saturday evening in Alton.

We take the following from the Sheldon Mail: “On Wednesday, Sept. 2nd, at the home of Mrs. Caroline Hollander, in this city, took place the marriage of her daughter Catherine to Sip Sipma of Alton. Miss Luella McVicker played the wedding march as the parties took their places under a white bell with a background of ferns. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Martin Hyink, of Lemmon, S. D., at eleven o’clock. The bride was attired in white crepe de chine and carried white roses. After the ceremony, a three course dinner was served. The decorations of the rooms were with cosmos, the table decorations being of pink ribbons and white roses.” We understand that the bride was one of Sheldon’s popular young ladies. We all know and like the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Sip Sipma will live on the groom’s farm north of town.

L. S. Homan and wife of Remsen were here Monday visiting at the J. J. Homan home.

Misses Evelyn and Vivian Anderson left for their home in Hawarden Monday to take up their school duties.

Postmaster Meyers became grandfather for the second time when he received the news on Wednesday of the birth of a baby girl, that had arrived at the Rev. and Mrs. Lewis home at Watertown, S. D.

On Monday morning, Aug. 31st, at 8 o’clock at St. Mary’s church, Very Rev. F. J. Brunne pronounced the solemn words, which made Otto Kaschmitter and Miss Elizabeth Friedman husband and wife. The ceremony was performed in the presence of many relatives and friends. Miss Julie Friedman, sister of the bride, was the bridesmaid and Henry Kaschmitter, brother of the groom, the groomsman. The bride was gowned in plaited chiffon over white messaline and the gown was trimmed with crystal braid. The veil was trimmed with clusters of lilies of the valley and the bride carried a bouquet of lilies. The bridesmaid’s gown was of crepe de chine over pale blue messaline and she carried a bouquet of Killarney roses. Immediately after the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the Friedman home, which had been daintily decorated with smilax and carnations. During the day, the newlyweds received the congratulations of their many friends and were made the recipients of many gifts. The contracting parties are two of Alton’s best known young people. Their families are well known and prominent, having lived here for a number of years. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Friedman, wealthy retired farmers. The groom is the son of Mrs. Anna Kaschmitter. He holds a responsible position with the Farmers Elevator company and is a young businessman of sterling qualities. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kaschmitter are on a wedding tour to points in Minnesota. After Sept. 15th they will be at home in the Henkels cottage at Alton. Miss Anna Gaul of Bancroft, Iowa, Miss Elsie Brotche of Coon Rapids, Iowa, Mrs. Elizabeth Friedman of Luxemburg, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Erpelding of Bode, Iowa, and Mrs. Frank Bremer and little son, and Mrs. John Broich of Wilmont, Minn., were out of town guests at the wedding.

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