Iowa Old Press

Alton Democrat
Saturday, January 24, 1914


While P. A. Muilenburg was out with a horse and buggy last Saturday, the
horse became frightened at a passing auto and the occupant of the buggy was
thrown against a fence, receiving a number of painful bruises.

Teunis E. Marra, accompanied by Dr. H. J. Vande Waa and Miss Evelyn Vande
Steeg went to LeMars where he underwent a second operation. Miss Vande Steeg
is nursing the patient, who is doing as nicely as can be expected.

A double wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reekes on Thursday the
22d when Miss Jeanett was united in marriage to Abraham Van Peursem, and
Miss Mary to Jake Oolman. Both couples will go to housekeeping on farms not
far from town.

At the annual meeting of the Sioux County Agricultural Society held here on
Tuesday the following officers were elected: President, J. J. DeVries;
Vice-President, A. Van Wyk; Secretary, Albert Heemstra; Treasurer, G. L.
Vande Steeg. Also A. W. Muilenburg, Jacob DeJong, R. Van Zyle and J. L.
Chenoweth were elected as members of the Board of Directors.

Marriage licenses were issued to the following:
~Cornelius Oosterdyk and Theodora Bos
~Gerben DeJon and Hattie VanMaanen
~John H. DeGroot and Hattie Sandbulte
~Jake VanderMaaten and Gertrude Roos
~H. E. Anderson and Ella Pummel
~T. A. Gefke and Madeline Field
~Joe E. Douwa and Anna M. Beumer
~Louis Druse and Ella Gerhls
~U. P. Westgard and Helena B. Rousick
~Gerrit Eshuls and Maria Jacoba VanCorbach
~Gerrit VanderLugt and Alida Swier
~Bert Kroon and Josie VanGrevenhof
~Adlai Heinis and Laura Kontz
~Henry L. VanderBerg and Jessie Prins
~Gerrit DeHaan and Elizabeth Zweed
~John A. Koerselman and Hendrika VanOort
~John Bultman and Hattie VanWhye.

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