Iowa Old Press

Alton Democrat, November 2, 1912


Mrs. E. Eilenbecker of LeMars died very suddenly at the home of her brother at Iona, Minnesota last Monday. Mrs. Eilenbecker, who had not been very strong for the past year and who had recently returned from Hot Springs, had a very painful carbuncle on the back of her neck lanced the latter part of last week and not receiving much relief it was deemed necessary last Sunday morning to lance it the second time. Blood poisoning set in and she grew worse rapidly, passing away Monday. She is survived by her husband and one son. The remains were taken to LeMars and the funeral was held there Thursday morning. Many from out of town attended the funeral and the church was crowded with friends who came to pay last tribute to a departed friend. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schroeder, Nic Scheckel, John Kern, and Joe Koch of Alton attended the funeral services.

Hull Index, Nov. 22, 1912

Friends of Mrs. Daw assembled at the home of Mrs. John McCandless, on
Tuesday afternoon and there perpetrated a complete "surprise" upon the
unsuspecting victim. An informal afternoon, brought to a fitting close by
the serving of a dainty and delicious luncheon, was spent by the guests. The
event is an annual occurrence in the life of Mrs. Daw, and is always looked
forward to with delightful anticipation by the lady who is now in the
"evening of her days."

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