Iowa Old Press

Alton Democrat, May 18, 1912

~The John Freiberg family at Struble was poisoned recently by eating raw or half cooked sausage. As a result, one is dead and two others are in danger of death. John Freiberg Jr. is the one who is dead. He was a student in Concordia College at St. Paul, studying to be a preacher. He was home to spend Easter and took back a quantity of sausage. Later he was taken sick and his case pronounced “trichina.” He died in a St. Paul hospital and the body arrived here and was buried in St. John’s cemetery, the Rev. Nuoffer in charge, last Friday afternoon. Mr. Satterlee, the Ireton undertaker, had charge.

~Earl McCartney, of LeMars, who was shot in the throat last month by the accidental discharge of his rifle, has died from the effects of the accident.


John Freiberg Jr. of Struble has died of trichina at a St. Paul hospital. The sickness was caused by eating fresh sausage while home on Easter Sunday.

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