Iowa Old Press

Alton Democrat
February 24, 1912


Mrs. O.J. Lieb left for Fonda, Iowa, Monday to attend the funeral of her
niece, Mrs. Nic Barron, which was held on Tuesday. Besides the husband, the
deceased leaves six children, the oldest of whom is only eleven and the
youngest one, one day old when the mother passed away.


John Kern and George Friedman of Alton, Mrs. Peter Gaul and son John, Mr.
and Mrs. Jake Dietrich and Will Ahlers of Granville were at Bancroft, Iowa,
Saturday to attend the funeral of John Gaul, a former Alton resident. We
take the following from the Bancroft Register:

Mr. Gaul was born in Luxemburg, Dubuque Co., Iowa, June 15, 1853. Here he
was married to Miss Anna Friedman February 20, 1878. They resided there for
a short time, later moving here where they have made their home for the past
21 years. Fourteen children were born to this union: Peter and Joseph of
Cottonwood Idaho, George of St. Meinrad, Indiana, Susie of Lewiston, Idaho,
Agnes, Anna, Lucy and Adeline at home. Six children have preceded the father
to a better world, four being buried at Remsen, Iowa, and Clara and Francis
dying here a number of years ago.


Mrs. Nic Steichen died at her home near Alton on Thursday evening February
16th. She was taken sick on Monday with inflammation of the bowels and she
passed away on Thursday. Mrs. Steichen was born in Jackson County, Iowa, on
July 10th, 1877. On June 1st, 1897, she was united in marriage to Nick
Steichen at Alton, Iowa. This union was blessed with nine children, seven of
whom survive. The funeral services were held on Monday from St. Mary's
Catholic church of which deceased was a devout member. The services were
conducted by Very Rev. F.J. Brune and friends from all the neighboring towns
attended the services. This death is extremely sad as seven little folks are
left motherless, one of them a tiny babe of only three months old. The
surviving children are Sophia, Gertrude, Alphonse, Matie, Raymond, Leo and
the baby. Deceased is also survived by her husband, Nick Steichen, her
mother, Mrs. Margaret Krantz of Salem, S.D. She is also survived by two
brothers-J.P. Krantz of Hastings, Nebr., and Henry Krantz of Howard, S.D.
and four sisters-Mrs. Geo. Schueller of Howard, S.D., Mrs. P. Krier of
Emery, S.D., Mrs. Joe Jurdin of Emery, S.D., and Mrs. Lewis Lundcrs, of
Salem, S.D. Those from out of town besides the brothers and sisters
attending the funeral were: Joseph Gassmann of Epiphany, S.D., John and Nick
Gassmann of Canova, S.D., Miss Minnie Krantz of LeMars, Mr. and Mrs. Mat
Hanpert and Mr. and Mrs. John Krantz of Granville, and Mr. and Mrs. Coulling
of Remsen.

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