Iowa Old Press

Alton Democrat
March 20, 1909

~Mrs. M. Miller passed away Saturday morning, March thirteenth, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hans Anderson three miles southeast of Carnes.  Although Mrs. Miller had been an invalid for a number of years, her death was sudden and unexpected and came as a shock to her near friends who loved  and cherished her.  Besides Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Miller left three other children—Mrs. Nels Hendrickson of Oklahoma, Nelson Miller—a practicing lawyer of LeMars—and Miss Anna, who is one of Plymouth county’s most efficient teachers. The funeral was held at the Danish church in Plymouth county Tuesday morning at eleven o’clock—the interment being at Remsen.

~John Peterson, one of the old settlers of Plymouth county, was found dead in his yard by some of his neighbors last Saturday.  Mr. Peterson was an elderly bachelor and had lived alone on his farm for many years.  He had evidently been attending to his customary chores when death overtook him as when he was found he was holding a pitchfork in his hand and from all appearances had been dead for some time.  The body was taken to the undertakers in LeMars, from which rooms the obsequies were solemnized Tuesday morning.  Mr. Peterson left no known relatives excepting one sister, who is living in Norway—their native land.  Deceased owned and occupied a farm below Carnes and has also land in Texas.

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