Iowa Old Press

Alton Democrat
February 27, 1909

At the home of the bride’s parents in Candor, New York, recently occurred the marriage of Freelon Corwin and Miss Harriet Elliot. The groom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Corwin residing northeast of Rock Valley. The bride though unknown in the Sioux county community comes to this western country highly recommended as a young woman of most excellent qualities. The young people will reside on one of the Corwin farms near Rock Valley.
Herman Heisig and bride were in Alton this Friday morning calling on old friends. They were married at Orange City Thursday by Squire Slikkerveer. Mr. Heisig is from Rock Valley and bride was formerly Mrs. Nellie Manes of Fairfax, South Dakota. She has one little daughter by her former marriage. They will live at Rock Valley. Mr. Heisig is an old citizen of Jackson county where he was acquainted with Nick Scheckel and William Kurtenacker and other Alton citizens in their boyhood days.
At the home of the bride’s parents one and a half miles north of Alton on Thursday, February twenty-fifth occurred the marriage of Henry Slothouwer and Miss Jane DenHartog. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Van Duine of Alton at two o’clock in the afternoon. The groom’s parents reside two miles south of Alton and the bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. DenHartog residing as stated above. The young couple will start life on the Dick Ruisch farm west of Alton having rented a house and small tract.

At the home of the bride’s parents south of Rock Valley on Tuesday February sixteenth occurred the marriage of Bastian Groeneweg and Miss Lydia Vanden Bosch. The ceremony was performed in the presence of a goodly company of relatives and friends by Rev. Holweerda of the Christian Reformed church at Rock Valley. An elaborate wedding dinner was served and many useful and beautiful gifts were bestowed upon the bride. In the evening a reception was given for the young people. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leendert Vanden Bosch and is a young lady of much popularity. The groom is a progressive young farmer residing south of Rock Valley where he operates one of the Herman Wilt farms.
At the home of the bride’s parents in Orange City Wednesday February twenty-fourth, 1909, occurred the marriage of Sip Sipma and Miss Kathryne Popma. The groom’s brother-in-law, Rev. Martin Hyink of Inwood, performed the ceremony in the presence of a small company of relatives at the hour of nine in the evening. The wedding march was played by Miss Ida Bomgaars. A wedding luncheon followed the ceremony. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Sjoerd Sipma, of Newkirk vicinity, and the bride a daughter of Gerrit Popma who is engaged in the barber business at Orange City. The groom is a progressive farmer and a member of the Alton Military band. The young people will go to housekeeping on the Sipma home place near Newkirk where they will be at home to their friends after April first. The groom’s brother, Martin Sipma, and wife were expected from Cedar Rapids but were detained on account of a death in the firm with which Mr. Sipma is connected.

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