Iowa Old Press

Maurice Times, December 10, 1909
J.E. Mieras made a business trip to Ireton Tuesday.
      Oliver Mieras was on the sick list this week.
      Another new enterprise is in Maurice. Mieras and DeJong have purchased a high grade Edison Projecting Kinetoscope and will from now on give two shows each week, on Tuesday and Saturday evenings. They gave the first entertainment last Tuesday evening and the verdict of all who were there was that it was good. The moving pictures were fine and clear and all motions true to life, and were just as good as those seen in the moving picture theaters in the cities. There will be an entire change of program at each show.

Maurice Times, December 24, 1909
J.M. Mieras says that it isn’t as easy to run a telephone switchboard as it looks to be.
      Lillian Mieras has had tonsilitis but is now recovered.

Maurice Times, December 31, 1909
Miss Ellen Fie of Alton spent Xmas with Mr. and Mrs. F.A. Mieras.
      Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Kuhl and daughter Kittie of Sioux Center spent last Saturday and Sunday with relatives here.
      Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Mieras spent Xmas at the Rev. Hamilton home in Sioux City. Mrs. Hamilton is their daughter.
      One of Wm. Mieras’ little girls has been very sick this week.

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