Iowa Old Press

Maurice Times, August 13, 1909
Last Saturday, Dr. Oggel celebrated his 36th birthday.
      M.A. Mieras, assistant cashier of the German Savings Bank at Remsen, Ia., is here for a few days visit with relatives and friends.
      Anna Van Wechel of Orange City is here visiting at the Mensink home.

Maurice Times, August 20, 1909
      Wm. and J.M. Mieras and Frank Baker were at Alton Saturday to see the ballgame.
      Ed Preston of Sioux City was here Sunday. He is a nephew to J.E. Mieras.
      Ralph Mieras, while cutting some brush the other day, had the misfortune to cut an ugly gash in his right leg. Which required the doctor’s assistance and several stitches.
      Mieras and DeJong, managers of the telephone exchange, informed us that some persons tangled the telephone lines in several places east of town, causing a great deal inconvenience to the service. They say, that should this happen again, they will try to find out who the miscreants are and prosecute them to the full extent of the law.

Maurice Times, August 27, 1909
      Mrs. H.S. Hamilton of Sioux City is here for a couple of weeks visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Mieras.
      Miss Katherine Kuhl, of Sioux Center, is visiting in town for a few days.
      Mieras and DeJong are negotiating for a purchase of a storage battery in the electric light plant so that by charging it they will be able to furnish current when engine and dynamo are not running. Maurice will soon have one of the most up-to-date plants in this part of the state.
In last week’s issue we made mention of someone of tangling the telephone wires. Mieras and DeJong, the managers, found out Saturday who the guilty one was and gave him his choice of settling for $10 or going to law about it. He promptly decided to part with the cash. This should be a lesson to others also who are inclined to overstep their privileges.

Alton Democrat 
August 28, 1909

We are pained to be called upon to chronicle the death of our friend, Mrs. Jonathan Alderson, which occurred at her home in Seney, Friday, August twentieth. Mrs. Alderson was an unusually sweet and lovable character and a Christian who faithfully followed the teachings of “The Golden Rule” in her daily life. She has been a patient sufferer from an insidious disease for a number of years to relieve which she underwent an operation several weeks ago at the hospital in LeMars from the effects of which she never completely rallied. The many friends of the estimable woman sincerely sympathize with the bereaved husband and children in their sorrow. The funeral services were conducted at the Seney church Sunday morning at ten o’clock—Rev. Hartzell officiating. She was laid to rest in the beautiful cemetery at LeMars.

There is another hand 
To Heaven’s harp strings given, 
Another gentle angel’s voice, 
Another star in Heaven.

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