Iowa Old Press

Alton Democrat, May 16, 1908

Sheldon Sun: Just before going to press we are grieved to chronicle the sudden and unexpected death of Mrs. Luther Bishop. She had been sick only a few weeks and it was not until a short time ago that her condition was considered serious and an operation deemed necessary. Deceased died at the hospital Wednesday morning. Services will be held at the house at one o’clock this Saturday afternoon and interment made in the Matlock cemetery.

Alton Democrat, May 30, 1908

The following account of the life and. death of Mrs. Bishop of
Sheldon was contributed to the Sheldon Mail of that city by a relative.
Adaline Gilman Bishop was born in Lorraine New York September seventh
1833, the daughter of Chester and Priscilla Gilman. In her youth she
chose school teaching as her occupation.

On December fourth 1856 she was married to Luther H. Bishop and lived
in Clayton and Lorraine until

March 1881 when they came to Iowa settling on the Sunny Side Farm
near Matlock where she lived until March 1907. Since then Sheldon has
been her home. They celebrated their golden wedding just before
leaving their Sunny Side home.

Of their union four children came to gladden their home and
hearts. Frank who died in 1892, Edith now Mrs. N. E. Williams of
Matlock, E. J. Bishop of Sheldon and Paul of Matlock. She lived a
long and useful life and has gone to her reward. She joined the
Baptist church in 1866 and the church work and interests were dear to
her heart. She will be missed in the home and wherever she was known.
We that knew her best loved her best and she is mourned by a large
circle of relatives and friends. She passed to the great beyond May
thirteenth 1908.


Miss Mary Jane Blaine Morris was born April sixteenth 1885 in Sioux County IA
and resided with her parents on a farm two and one half miles northeast of
Boyden until February 1899 when they moved to Boyden where they have since
resided . She attended the public school until 1903. She has been a regular
attendant at church and Sunday school til her late illness which lasted only a
few days. She passed away Friday morning Mary 22. She leaves to mourn her loss
a father and two sisters. Lillie and Janet beside many kind friends. The
relatives have the deep and sincere sympathy of their many friends in their
hour of sorrow.

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