Iowa Old Press

Alton Democrat
February 17, 1906

Mrs. Paul Kane died Monday at LeMars and the body was taken through Alton Wednesday to Caledonia, Minnesota, for burial there on Thursday. She was a cousin of Al Schaul.

Irving Smith
—formerly of Plymouth county but more recently known as the millionaire farmer of Madison, South Dakota—is dead at the age of eighty years.  He was born poor in Herkimer county New York and at the age of twenty-four was a tenant on a poor mountain farm there.  In 1850 he went in search of gold to California but soon gave it up and located in Whiteside county Illinois where he acquired 250 acres of government land at a dollar and a quarter per acre.  He lived there fourteen years and then moved to Benton county Iowa where inside of ten years he acquired fourteen fine farms.  He sold out and bought 3000 acres of Plymouth county land.  Fifteen years ago he moved to Lake county South Dakota where he has lived since.  At his death he was the owner of nearly 1000 acres of land—all in improved farms.  During his life he had given much to charity—two farms going to the South Dakota Children’s Home.  Another was given outright to one of his favorite hired men.

Altons Veterinarian
[Photo published with this news item]
WE PRESENT herewith a portrait of Dr. E. D. Smedley, formerly of Lewis, Iowa, who recently located in Alton for the practice of veterinary surgery and dentistry. Dr. Smedley not only has a college degree back of him but also a practice ranging over seventeen years.  In this period he has been called upon to handle every disease known to horses and cattle and has a record of successes to be proud of.  He makes a specialty of castrating and spaying.  Alton has long been without a veterinarian and is exceedingly fortunate to secure one of Dr. Smedley’s good character and sobriety. Thought he has been here but a short time, he has made many friends and is working up a good practice.  At present, he makes his office headquarters at Even’s livery barn where he will be found ready to answer calls day or night.  Having not yet moved his family here, he makes his place of residence the Dubuque House.  Dr. Smedley solicits your patronage and it is to be hoped he will receive enough of it to warrant him in remaining in Alton.  If you have animals sick, let him known by phone or mail. 

[transcribed by LZ, Nov 2019]

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