Iowa Old Press

The Alton Democrat, September 2, 1905

Quite a company from here were at Remsen Monday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Jake Homan, who died Friday.  Her husband is a brother of John and Frank Homan of Alton and he was formerly married to a sister of Theo Arens and Mrs. Nic Schroeder.  The Homan and Tritz families and Messrs. and Mesdames Arens and Schroeder were among those at the funeral.  Also Nic Homan and wife and son Nic of Sioux Falls drove down this far Saturday night and went on Sunday afternoon.  The son is now a student for the priesthood at St. Paul. 

The Alton Democrat, September 9, 1905

Earl Putnam was accidentally killed by a Milwaukee train just north of Akron last week while driving to town with a can of cream.  He was accompanied by his sister, who was also badly bruised.  The train rounded a sharp curve and struck them before they got off of the track or the engineer stopped the train.

The Alton Democrat, September 16, 1905

Miss Sophy Hoornemann of LeMars is dead as a result of burns received while pouring kerosene over a smoldering fire.  She was thirty years of age.

J. P. Hinger—a single man at Remsen—committed suicide last week by hanging himself to a tree in a grove five miles east of Remsen.  He had worked in Remsen vicinity for the past ten or fifteen years.

[transcribed by L.Z., Jan 2020]

Iowa Old Press