Iowa Old Press

Aton Democrat

January 7, 1905


Coroner John Beely of LeMars was called to the Nolan home five miles west and four miles south of Maurice on Sunday to investigate the death of Mrs. James Nolan, who died very suddenly Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Nolan reside with Mr. Nolan’s parents on the farm and on Sunday morning the members of the household prepared to go to church at Struble as usual. Mrs. Nolan got ready to accompany the other members of the family to church but complained of feeling ill and said she would go and lied down, which she died while the others proceeded to church. On their return at noon they found Mrs. Nolan lying on the bed in her room, stark and cold in death. Mrs. McGrain, mother of Mrs. Nolan, stated that her daughter had been troubled with heart disease and had consulted doctors for relief. Dr. Triechler of Struble who was called in, corroborated this statement. Coroner Beely in view of the circumstances did not deem an inquest necessary. Mrs. Nolan was about twenty years of age and was married last November to James Nolan. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. McGrain of Struble and was a beautiful and accomplished young lady. Before her marriage, she taught school in Plymouth county. The funeral was held Wednesday at the Catholic church in Struble, Rev. Father McNally officiating.

Alton Democrat

January 14, 1905


~Miss Dora Durband of Struble died last week after a lingering illness. Since an attack of the measles last spring, she had been in poor health and pneumonia set in a short time ago, which terminated in her death.

~Mrs. John Homan received the sad intelligence Wednesday noon that her mother, Mrs. C. D. Hoffman of LeMars, was dying. She went down on the afternoon train and at nine o’clock the same evening she passed into the great beyond. The funeral will be held this Saturday morning at LeMars. The friends of Mrs. Homan here sympathize with her in this her hour of sorrow.

Alton Democrat
January 21, 1905

Graham Kistle, a bright lad of seventeen years, died at LeMars Friday.  He was recovering from an attack of pneumonia when typhoid fever set in with the above results.  He was a member of the LeMars high school.

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