Iowa Old Press

Rock Valley Bee, August 4, 1905

Hull Happenings:

Otto L. Stensvad, whose sad death was mentioned in these columns last week, was born in Waseca county, Minnesota, Sept. 21, 1880. But he made his home with his sister who lived at Faribault, Minnesota. He graduated from the high schools of Faribault with highest honors in 1903. The next year he spent at Carlton College, and the last year he attended the University of Minnesota. In two years he would have graduated from the law department of the University. He was a general favorite with his friends, especially his classmates. He excelled in his studies and always ranked high in his class work. He was fond of athletics and was one of the leading members of the football team of the University. He was upright and industrious. His sad and sudden death cut off a promising future. His every day life was an example of industry, sobriety and active service in church work. He died as he lived and was prepared to go. His funeral was held at New Richland last Friday and was attended by all but his brother John of Hayworth, Wisconsin, who under the circumstances could not be present. The Bee extends sympathy to the afflicted ones.

The Alton Democrat, August 12, 1905

L. T. Cumberbatch for twenty-five years a resident of LeMars died at Gravenhurst Canada last week of consumption caused by cold contracted on a hunting trip.  He was the son of a prominent London physician and was himself a prominent lodgeman and popular citizen.  He was aged forty-five.

The Alton Democrat, August 19, 1905

J. L. Cobb died at Marcus, aged seventy-three.  He was an influential citizen and prominent churchman.

The Alton Democrat, August 26, 1905

George Bauerly, a well known pioneer resident of Plymouth county, dropped dead last week from heart failure.  He was sitting on a chair resting after a day’s stacking and toppled over dead.

[transcribed by L.Z., Jan 2020]

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