Iowa Old Press

The Alton Democrat, April 1, 1905

Mrs. Louis Winterfield of Struble died Saturday afternoon after a few days illness, leaving an infant son one year old besides her husband.
Died at Springbrook at the age of sixty-four years, Philip Dondelinger, leaving a wife and nine children.  He was a brother of Mrs. C. D. Hoffman of LeMars and was a relative of the Gaspar family of Alton. Deceased was well known in and around Alton.

The Alton Democrat, April 8, 1905

Mrs. Peter Moir, who resided about nine miles southwest of town, died on last Saturday night after a brief illness and the funeral was held from the home Monday afternoon and was conducted by Rev. Moore, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church and the remains were brought to LeMars for interment.  Her death was caused by hemorrhage due to puerperal complications and is a particularly sad one in the fact that she was but twenty-six years of age.  Five years ago she was married to Peter Moir, who with two babes—survives her.  She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Osborn of Elgin township.  The community sympathize with the bereaved relatives in their hour of sorrow.

On Tuesday morning Mrs. Peter Arens of Remsen died from blood poisoning and Bright’s disease.  Some days ago she had a carbuncle removed from her neck.  Blood poisoning set in.  Deceased was a sister of John and Frank Homan and Mrs. Tritz of Alton.  A husband and seven children survive her—all living in Remsen with the exception of Nic Arens of Wahpeton, North Dakota and John Arens of St. Leo, Minnesota.  The funeral was held this Friday morning from the Catholic church at Remsen.  Many relatives from Alton vicinity attended the last rites.

The Alton Democrat, April 22, 1905

Arthur P. Brown, a well known resident of LeMars, died suddenly on Tuesday.  He was at one time postmaster and mayor of LeMars.

The Alton Democrat, April 29, 1905

Tony Durband—aged seventeen—of Struble passed away last week of tuberculosis.  Only three months ago his sister Miss Dora died after a short illness.

[transcribed by L.Z., Jan 2020]

Iowa Old Press