Iowa Old Press

Alton Democrat, May 21, 1904

Commencement exercises of the high school will be held this year at
the Alton opera house on Friday evening May twenty seventh at eight
o'clock. There are only two graduates this year, they are Misses Mary
C. Houwers and Clara M. Kellar. The class motto is “End there is
none," the class colors are shell pink and pale green, the class flower is
the pink rose and class gem the emerald. The baccalaureate sermon
will be given at the congregational church Sunday evening at eight
o'clock by Rev. Van Duine. The program to be given is as follows:

lnflammatus Chorus: Rossina
Hunting Song , Weber By GRAMM AR AND HIGH SCHOOL
Oration----“ Mighty Mites ''--------MARY HOUWERS
Bridal Chorus from "Rose Maiden" by Cowen by HIGH SCHOOL
Oration------ “The Pleasure of Knowledge" by Clara Kellar
Waltz—“Country F a i r ", Marshall by High School
Firefly Drill, by Twelve Girls
Duett — “Life's Merro Morning", Bailey by Clara Kellar, May Houwers
Presentation of Diplomas
Trio: “Softly Shadows Fall", Marshall by Milo Gibbs, George Bowers, Lynn


Following is the program for the teachers' meeting to be held at Hosper this
coming Saturday commencing at one-thirty in the afternoon:
Paper: Manual Training in the Primary Grades—Estella Forbes Discussion led
by Gertrude Miller, Christina Braskamp
Paper: The Aim of the Public School - Guy Honnold. Discussion led by Emma
Mu1vany, Delia Langan, Olive Cooper, Mary Eason.
Paper: The Relation of the Teacher to the Community-
Rev. Moon
Discussion led by Louise Langenhorst, Allie Sheel, Jeanna
Paper: English and Mathematics— R. M. Larapman,
Discussion led by Nellie Dean, H. J. Heying, Theodore Budde.
Paper: Music as part of the Curriculam, Emma Stickney. Discussion led by
Edna Mackie, Will Kuyper, Kate Domnisse.
General Discussion: Bring any question that you'd like to hear discussed and
be ready to discuss any question that might come up for discussion.
The program will be interspersed with music.

Alton Democrat, May 28, 1904

Orange City:
Commencement exercises of the public schools will be held at the town hall
on next Thursday evening June second. There are four graduates: Misses Abbie
Van Wechel, May DeCrane, Minnie Van Gorp and Etta DeKraay.

For the first time in the history of the Alton public school the close of
a year's work has been marked by a baccalaureate sermon. It was delivered
at the congregational church last Sunday night by Rev. Van
Duine of the Dutch reformed church. A large audience was present. The
graduates and junior class occupied the front seats. The scripture lesson
and text were from the first chapter of Proverbs beginning with the
seventh verse which reads: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of
knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction." Prayer was offered
by Rev. Gales and an anthem by Misses Stickney, Gibbs, Houwers
and Mrs. Zwemer with accompaniment by Miss Vanden Burg.

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