Iowa Old Press

Alton Democrat
August 20, 1904

Charles H. Jones junior died at the home f his father, C. H. Jones, in
LeMars on Thursday evening at half past nine o’clock. He had been
critically ill for ten days prior to his demise and no hopes whatever were
held out for his recovery. He was unconscious for several days before the
end came. Mr. Jones was badly injured in a runaway accident at Maurice
about four years ago and his health has not been good since that time,
although he was able to attend to business and no one would surmise from his
cheerful appearance and pleasing manner that he was a constant sufferer.

Chas. H. Jones was born at New Orleans on June fifth, 1868. A few years
after his birth his parents moved to LeMars and his has been the home of the
family ever since. He was married in Chicago in October 1891 to Miss Emma
E. Wilkens, who with one son survives him.

Mr. Jones was a pharmacist by profession and was engaged in business in
Chicago and later at Maurice and Lehigh. For the past few months he had
been assisting his brother, Rowland Jones in the drug store business in this
city. On August twenty-second, he was stricken with an attack of meningitis
and a second attack followed three days later which rendered him unconscious
and from which he never rallied.

The funeral was held from the home on Sunday and was very largely attended.
The service at the house was conducted by Rev. Corbitt, rector of St.
George’s Episcopal church. The deceased was a member of the order of Elks
and was a member of the order of Odd Fellows and the members of these lodges
attended the funeral in a body. The services at the graveside were
conducted by the Elks. Many beautiful floral emblems were sent by
sympathetic friends and beautiful pieces were sent by the Elks and Odd

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