Iowa Old Press

Orange City newspaper of June 7, 1902

The eighteenth annual commencement of the Northwestern classical academy of
this place will be held at the First Reformed Church in this city on June 12
and the annual oratorical on test on June 10. The baccalaureate sermon will
be preached by Ret. M. Kolyo of Grand Rapids. There are seventeen graduates
and the class roll is as follows: Gertie F . Hospers, Henry J. Aalders, Mae
H . Hospers, Neal DeBey, Elizabeth H . Huizenga, Dick Dykstra, Elma Krohnke,
J. G.Van Diest, Mary Muyskens, J. W. Kuyper, Kate Rouwenhorst, Will Kuyper.
Kittie Smeenk, Dick C. Rhynsburger, Fay Wilcox, Richard De Zeeuw. Hubert J .
Vander Meide.
The professors for last year and who will also have charge during next year
are: Principal Philip Soulen, Professor John Wesselink, Professor J. E.
Kuizenga, Miss Margaret Huizenga.

Orange City newspaper of June 14, 1902

The Orange City high school graduated fove students at its commencement
exercises at the opera house last Thursday evening. They are the Misses Lida
Lenderink, Anna Vaner Meer, Eva Beyer and Missrs. Arie Kuyper and Will

Alton Democrat, June 14, 1902

St. Mary’s:
Thursday, St. Mary's school closed a very successful year. The total
enrollment for the year was 249. The following pupils, some of whom live in
the country, were neither absent nor tardy for the entire scholastic year:
First room —Joseph Even, Leo Goedert, John Koch, Leocadia Lucas, Hilda Pins,
Clara Schnee.
Second room —Mathilda Even, Herbert Fisch, Anna Gerst, Viola Goebel, Josie
Goedert, Anna Goedert,
Mary Hoxmeier, Bernard Hoxmeier, Roman Hoxmeier, Mary Hildesheim, Leona
Koch, John Lucas, Frank Miller.
Third room —Anna Even, Anna Friedmann, Mary Gustzinger, Nick Kock , Joseph
Levermann, Vincent Trits, Peter Thelen.
Fourth room —Mary Gerst, Anna Hansen, Celia Kellen, Peter Kock.
Fifth room —Clara Schroeder, Theodore Hoxmeier.

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