Iowa Old Press

Alton Democrat, August 23, 1902
Local Occurrence

Miss Christina Braskamp of Alton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Braskamp,
will have the proud distinction of teaching the largest rural school in
Sioux County. It is the Ver Meer school three miles this side of Sioux
Center. Miss Braskamp graduated from the Alton high school and has since
taken a year's course at Cedar Falls. She has special recommendations from
her teachers as a capable instructor. The Ver Meer school has sixty pupils
in the winter and a yearly average of forty.

Alton Democrat, Aug 30, 1902

After a two month's vacation St. Mary's school will open next Tuesday. There
will be a special service in the morning. The following Sisters of St.
Francis will be in charge of the various rooms: First room, Sister
Atheoasia; second room, Sister Sylvia; third room, Sister Christina; fourth
room, Sister Lucia; fifth room, Sister Loyola. Principal and teacher of
Latin and French and Christian doctrine, Rev. Father Brune. Sister Prima
will have exclusive charge of the various music classes. She is an expert
player on various instruments. the Venerable Sisters who have done so much
for the cause of true education and advancement in the past will devote all
their time and efforts to their respective studies and schools since they
have no other work and no other care but their schools. Their time and
abilities and efforts belong to the education of their pupils only. St.
Mary's school is becoming known more and more, even in distant places.
Already a number of applications have been received from distant pupils.
None, however, have been granted since the school in principally for the
members of St. Mary's church at Alton. The following branches are now taught
at St. Mary's school: Catechism, bible history--full course of both German
and English--including grammar and literature, composition, geography,
arithmetic, algebra, geometry, book-keeping, civil government, United States
history, general history, physics, economics, physiology, penmanship and
drawing, vocal and instrumental music, French and Latin. From the above it
will be seen that St. Mary's school is now fully up to the standard in
school work and there is hardly a necessity to send the children to distant
schools. Father Brune and the Sisters will spare no efforts to even increase
the efficiency of St Mary's and to impart an education at the same time
thorough and progressive. Success to a noble institution like St Mary's

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