Iowa Old Press

Alton Democrat, April 14, 1900

The senior class this year is composed of seven members, five girls and two
boys. They are Misses Celia Lieb, Celia and Emma Mulvany, Christina Braskamp
and Mary Eason and Messrs. Henry Luca and Jacob Douma. They are all Latin
division students and some are already planning for attendance at some good
college. We wish all could go. The advantage of a higher education is untold
no mater what may be the life work of the man or women.

Alton Democrat, April 28, 1900
The following were neither absent
nor tardy last month :
First primary—Arthur Smith, Laura Smit, Ethel Dotzemod, Dina Houwers, Nellie
Knoll, Ernest Eason, John Roelfson, Louie Otkin, Susie Douma, Bertie De
Bruin, Nick Vander Pol, Sya Gleysteen, Earl Kamber.
Second primary -Millard Smith, Harry Vander Pol, Willie Van Nimwegen, Milo
Gibb, John Eason, Dick Richards, Hattie Douma, Lizzie Ekelman, Lizzie Otkin,
Hattie Roelfson, Gertie Rozenboom. Intermediate: George Eason, Willie
Ekelman, Johanna Van Nimwegen, Katie Houwers, Virginia
Slagle, Mary Bowers, Willie Otkin, Herbert Lucas, Dick Reuvers, Budd Beaman,
Otto Vander Pol, John Reuvers, Doris Kooreman, Arie Talsman, Arthur
High school and grammar department -Chauncy Pitts, Mary Eason, Jake Douma,
Willie Bowers, Gideon Pitts, Clara Pitts, Jennie Rensink, Ethyl Lytle, Mary
Van Nimwngen,
Abbie Kamber, Josie Fredericks, Jessie Campbell. Willie Stronks, Henry
Jansen, Ed Schmidt,
Otto Braskamp, Bennie Braskamp Marv Houwers, Minko Mulder, Hattie Scholten,
Elsie Otkin, Ida Bomgaars, Helen Slagle
Mamie Van Nimwegen.

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