Iowa Old Press

Alton Democrat
April 15, 1899


From the LeMars Globe.
On Monday evening the remains of William Oscar Hough were brought here from
Nebraska for burial, his relatives having been buried here. Hough was shot
and instantly killed at the Hotel de Fair at Hyannes, Nebraska, on Friday
night by Fred Moffit, the night clerk at the hotel. Moffit gave himself up
at once and says that he had to shoot in self defense. Deceased was for the
time engaged in farming near Broken Bow, Nebraska. It is understood that
the two men had previous trouble, which culminated in murder.

The murdered man was a brother of Mrs. D. C. Hasbrook of this city, and had
visited her at different times. Some years ago he worked in Stanton
township. The wife and three children came here with the remains. The
funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon at the M. E. church, Rev. J. J. Lace
preaching the funeral sermon.

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