Iowa Old Press

Hull Index
Hull, Iowa
April 20, 1894


At her home three and one half miles west of Hull, on Monday morning April
16, Mrs. Jane McGuire, aged 40 years.

This event is certainly one of the saddest affairs which have come to our
notice in some years. Apparently in the most robust health, she was
stricken without a thought on her own part or that of her friends that her
time was so close at hand. On Sunday evening and while a portion of the
family were visiting neighbors, the summons came, and ere the shades of
night had gathered over the home the messenger of death pointed her out as
his sheaf of corn. A physician was summoned immediately but the hand of the
cruel messenger had secured such a hold on his prize that no human efforts
could induce him to relax his icy grip.

Mrs. McGuire leaves a husband and twelve children to mourn their loss. The
sympathy of all goes out in a flood for the motherless children, for upon
her did they lean for all the comfort and solace which came to them, not
only in their infancy but as their lives ripened into maturer years. Oh!
Who can fail to pay homage to the mother, however, humble her lot may have
been in life, when we see the children of that mother thrown upon the world
without a mother's council and guidance. Involuntarily the ejaculation goes
forth from the innermost depths of the heart, "God be with them."

The remains of Mrs. McGuire were brought to Hull on Wednesday, and from the
church they were taken and gently laid to rest. Father Phelan officiating.

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