Iowa Old Press

Alton Democrat
November 5, 1892

The jury in the McFarland murder case at LeMars, brought in a verdict of
murder in the second degree Wednesday, which means not less than ten years
and possibly life imprisonment. McFarland has not yet been sentenced. The
case will be appealed to the supreme court on the ground of an error in the
date of the murder in the indictment, and for the further reason that the
instrument does not state that Wanner died in Plymouth County. This murder
occurred at Struble, in Plymouth County, and the murdered man, Tony Wanner,
was formerly a resident of Alton.

Alton Democrat
November 19, 1892

Because of a mistake in the indictment of McFarland for the murder of Tony
Wanner in Plymouth County, a new trial will be had and it is said McFarland
can only be tried for assault. It is little mistakes of this kind,
defeating the ends of justice, that leads to mob law.

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