Iowa Old Press

Alton Democrat
January 23, 1892


The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Thompson died Monday morning,
January 18th.

Chas. Klise, formerly of LeMars, went to Akron to accept a position on the
Register at that place.

Died: At the home of the father of Peter McManaman in this city, Jan. 18th,
a girl five months old.

Died: At his home in this city Saturday afternoon, January 16th, of
pneumonia, L. Graham, aged 32 years. The remains were taken to Wisconsin
for burial.

Died: at the residence of B. Mudge Sunday, at 12:15 a.m. C. A. Spring, aged
92 years. The funeral took place from the Presbyterian church Monday
afternoon, Rev. D. W. Fahs officiating.

MAURICE, News of the Town:

Patrick Devlin died at his home in Struble, Wednesday noon, from a severe
attack of pneumonia, complicated by an attack of La grip. He will be buried
in the Catholic grave yard at this place, Friday.

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