Iowa Old Press

Alton Democrat, March 9, 1889

~S. W. Potter, whom we mentioned last week as being quite ill has since
died. He was buried last Sunday at LeMars.

'Dead in Lonely Ravine' from the Sioux City Journal

The dead body of Eugene McKillip was found in a lonely ravine in Plymouth
county, about nineteen miles north of Sioux City yesterday afternoon. There
was a hideous gunshot wound in the head, and near the body the dead man's
empty musket was lying. The indications pointed to suicide.
McKillip was a tenant farmer, who had for ten years lived about five miles
south of where his remains were found. He disappeared on December 22 last,
and though a vigorous search was made for him by his neighbors nothing was
seen or heard of him since that time until the accidental recovery of his
corpse yesterday.

The dead man leaves a family of a wife and five children in straightened
financial circumstances. The cause of his taking his life, if he committed
suicide, is a matter of conjecture. If he did not kill himself the manner
of his death is a mystery.

The coroner of Plymouth county has the remains in charge and will continue
his investigation of the case today.

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