Iowa Old Press

Sioux County Herald, Orange City, (Sioux), Iowa, July 3, 1884, Page

The Seney baseball club have challenged our boys for a match game here on
the Fourth.

Sioux County Herald, Orange City, (Sioux), Iowa, July 17, 1884,
Page 5:

The Seney correspondent of the LeMars Sentinel tries to explain how the base
ball club of that place was defeated in the contest for the $20 prize at
Orange City on the Fourth. The writer says that two of the regular players
were sick and could not come and two poor players had to be substituted.
This may be the case, and is all well enough as a sort of salve to the
wounded feelings of the boys, but when the writer goes farther and accuses
the umpire, Mr. C. N. Kauffman, of Maurice, of unfairness toward the Seney
club, he states what is notoriously false as all disinterested spectators
will testify. At first the Seney club got ahead of the Orange City boys and
some parties from the former place made bets on the Seney club, then when
they lost their money they grumbled about the umpire. The members of the
Seney club acted like gentlemen while here, and we can hardly believe that
any of them would be so silly and unfair as to slander the umpire, Mr. D. N.
Kauffman, who was perfectly disinterested in regard to which club came out
ahead, and whose decisions during the game were prompt, impartial, and
showed that he thoroughly understood the subject in every particular.

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