Iowa Old Press

Sioux County Herald, Jan 31, 1884

School Visiting by the County Superintendent.

Domestic interest and custom causes too many of our school patrons
to drift along unconscious of what is being done in our public schools. In
some instances members of school districts do not know who is teaching in
their district, and in many cases teachers do not know who is teaching in
the adjoining district.

With hope of creating a greater interest on the part of patrons
and school officers, I (the editor) shall publish from time to time, a
report of schools visited, names of teachers, when school began, length of
term, grade of certificate of the teacher, wages paid, number of pupils
enrolled, number present when the school was visited, the condition of
buildings, apparatus, etc., and such comments, criticisms and suggestions,
as in my judgment, will tend to better the condition of our schools.

With malice toward none and charity for all engaged in our work, I
shall commend where I can justly do so, but shall criticize where the
welfare of the work demands it. Those who find their work criticized will
please remember that this is not done for personal reasons, nor with any
intention to discourage, but to induce them and others to more earnest and
better work.

School officers may in some instances find hints, perhaps
suggestions, relative to the condition of buildings, etc. Those are made in
the interest of the schools under their supervision. I find some of our
officials very dilatory in the discharge of their duties. This should not
be, and I hope to see a step taken in the right direction in this matter.

The HERALD, having the larges circulation of all the papers in our
county, I have made arrangements with the editors for space - without
expense to the county - and as aforesaid shall make public such items as I
think will be beneficial and of interest to the public.

Reports from a few schools will be found below, the reports are
signed by D. W. Aupperle, county school superintendent:

Sioux Center School - West Branch Township

West Branch Township, Miss Alice Davis, Teacher, began November 5th. Term
five months. Grade of certificate - 1st Class. Wages $35. Per month.
Number of pupils enrolled 29; number present when visited, 23. This is the
second term Miss Davis has had charge of this school, and she is doing very
acceptable work.

District number 3. West Branch Township, Miss Henrietta van de Steeg,
Teacher, began October 22nd. Term, five months, Grade of certificate, 3rd
class. Wages $30 per month. Number enrolled, 19, present, 18. Miss van de
Steeg is energetic and much interested in her work, and as a consequence her
pupils are interested. Methods good, and order good. In this school the
supply of apparatus is very limited, there being neither charts, globe now
maps; seats and decks are of an ancient, inferior and uncomfortable style.
The anti-room has been reduced to a mere shed; the doors and one side having
taken their departure from thence. Coal house also in need of some repair.
School has been visited once by director Punt.

District number 2, Reading township, Miss Alice Dorton, Teacher, began
November 19th. Term four months. Grade of certificate, 1st class. Wages
$35. Per month. Number enrolled, 22; present, 20. Order in this school was
fair; methods rather antiquated. Patrons of this school should see their
children arrive a little earlier in the morning. This school house also has
neither a globe, maps nor charts. The register has the appearance of having
for several terms been used in a manner which leaves it in a condition not
akin to godliness. The seats are nearly all loose form the floor. School
has been visited by Mr. Jno. Dorton , director.

District number 3, (Ireton school), Reading township, Geo. M. Harding
teacher, began December 3rd. Term three months. Grade of certificate, 2nd
class. Wages $35 per month. Number enrolled, 21: present 16. Was
disappointed in finding so small a school, but found the teacher and pupils
doing good work. Here also I find neither maps nor charts. Director L. M.
Black has taken the pains and interest to make himself acquainted with the
working of the school.

District number1, Buncombe township, Miss Emma Sargent, teacher, began
October 15. Term five months. Grade of certificate, 3rd Class. Wages $25.
Per month. Number enrolled, 13, present 10. Miss Sargent is very much
interested in her work, and is having quite good success. Director M.
Sargent has visited the school.

"Six Mile" school, Buncombe township, F. E. Lahman, teacher, began October
15. Term, five months. Geade of certificate, 2nd class. Wages $35. Per
month. Number enrolled 8, present 8. This is Mr. Lahman's first term.
Methods are not quite up to the standard. The study of some good work on
methods would help him to success. In this house I find but two windows,
and the condition of those is such that boards and charts must be
substituted for glass. To those in that vicinity who wish a target for
rifle practice, I would suggest that you build one and discontinue using the
old school house for that purpose. The expense of building a target as
large as the house would be trifling. If the practice of 'plugging' this
old school house is not discontinued, I shall be obliged to request the
board of directors to investigate the case. This house supports a lightning
rod but has no dictionary, no coal house, and the out-house has neither door
nor roof. Director Sargent has not visited this school.

Hawarden school, Mrs. N. P. Martin, teacher, began December 18. Term five
months. Grade of certificate, 2nd class. Wages $50, including janitor's
fees. Number enrolled, 52; present, 47. There being too much work in this
school for one teacher, Mrs. Martin's mother Mrs. Burlingame, volunteered
to assist in the good work; giving her time and able assistance free of
charge. A visit to this school will satisfy anyone of the good work done by
these ladies. I wish to ask the good people of Hawarden to give these
ladies the encouragement which only patrons can give. I should criticize
the order a little.

Calliope Public School, upper room, Miss Lizzie Kennedy, teacher, began
September 10. Term, five months. Grade of certificate, 2nd class. Wages
$65 per month. Number enrolled, 24; present, 22. The beginning of a new
term in the Academy, after the holiday's, afforded better advantages, and
induced many to leave the public school. Miss Kennedy's school room
discipline is quite good and she is doing pretty good work. Lower room,
Miss Flannigen, teacher, began September 10. Term, five months. Grade of
certificate, 3rd class. Wages $50 per month. Number enrolled, 54; present,
42. There are too many pupils in this room for one teacher to produce good
results. Discipline not very good. Methods pretty good. This room is
sadly in need of repairs, and it is to be hoped that the board of directors
will have its condition bettered before another term begins.

District No. --, West Branch Township, Miss Mary A. Buckley, Teacher, began
November 5, Term, five months. Grade of Certificate, 2nd class. Wages, $25
per month. Number enrolled, 35; present, 20. This is Miss Buckley's second
term in this school, and she is doing good work.

District No. --, West Branch Township, Miss Alice Coffee, Teacher, began
December 4th. Term, four months. Grade of Certificate, 3rd class. Wages,
$30 per month. Number enrolled, 9, present, 8. This is Miss Coffee's first
term, and she is doing well for a beginner. The school house needs banking
and the school needs chalk.

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