Iowa Old Press

Sioux County Herald
October 28, 1880


All the wrecke of the snow storm have been cleared up and everything is
lively once more.

Very little stock suffered from the storm here.

The Greenbackers are to have a speech on the subject to-morrow night. We
fear they have struck the wrong town this time, as we are all solid for
Garfield, Arthur and Carpenter.

The marriage we mentioned in our last consummated on the 18th. The
contracting parties being Wm. Blair and Miss Ruth Young, of Fredonia post
office. Your reporter was not forgotten when the cigars were passed, and we
join with their many friends in wishing them a pleasant journey as they pull
together up the matrimonial hill.

No. 2 wheat, 80c; flax 90c; rye 60c; new corn 20c; butter 20c; eggs 15c.

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