Iowa Old Press

Sioux County Herald
November 4, 1880


The following teachers or applicants for schools were before County
Superintendent Kuyper last Saturday and received certificates in the
following order:

A. Gutchell, 1st class, 12 months
C. C. Morrow, 1st class, 12 months
James Haslet, 1st class, 6 months
A. C. Palmer, 2nd class, 12 months
C. L. Kent, 2nd class, 12 months
A. C. Clark, 2nd class, 12 months
H. H. Spinden, 2nd class, 6 months
Miss Maria Kidd, 2nd class, 9 months
Alex Donnan, 2nd class, 6 months
Peter Moran, 3rd class, 9 months

Sioux County Herald
November 11, 1880


The boom still continues and business is constantly increasing.

Farmers take advantage of the good weather by rushing the threshing and corn

The winter school began to-day, Miss Murphy, of LeMars, teacher.

The coal famine still exists here, as well as other towns, along this road.

We hears some of our Republican boys complain that the Democrat friends fail
to come up with the new hats bet on election.

Election passed off quietly. The Democrats being left out both on National,
State, County, and Town ticket.

T.J. Reeves still continues to receive new goods daily. Also pays 20 cents
for butter and 12 cents for eggs.

Our grain market still continues brisk higher price ruling, No. 2 wheat
commands home 81 @ 82c; barley 88@50c; flax 95c; butter and eggs quoted

We are glad to note that Mrs. E. Lancaster is convalescing.

Prof. G. M. Binks arrived Saturday and the town is billed for a series of
lectures on "The Science of Man." The professor delivered a very interesting
temperance lecture yesterday and so completely interested our people that we
feel justified in insuring him a good house for the lectures on "The Science
of Man."

Rev. Peudell has been nursing a stiff neck the past week caused by cold in
the muscles.

Our shoe makers have concluded to move to LeMars for the winter. We believe
lack of capital to carry on the business is the cause, as they had plenty of
work while here.

Brickey Bill of Sioux county was in town Saturday and reported prairie fires
plentiful in that neighborhood.

Next Friday evening Prof. Binks will have Phrenological wedding at the
school house. Lots of fun ahead.

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