Iowa Old Press

Sioux County Herald
July 15, 1880


Mr. EDITOR: I send you a few items this morning, which please insert in your

East Orange has a person of the male sex who does not know how old he is.

The East Orange school closed on Tuesday, July 6th. All parties interested
are satisfied, except the mothers.

Gerrit Koreman, son of John Koreman, our townsman, is under the tutorship of
Ben. Campbell, learning the art of telegraphy.

Three hundred and fifteen head of cattle passed through here one day last
week, en route for a stock farm three miles south of Seney.

The family of E. Jansen moved into the old part of the Depot Hotel last

John Kolvoord and family, of Lincoln township, were visiting friends at East
Orange on Saturday and Sunday.

P.T. Barnum's "greatest show on earth" passed through here last Sunday.

Miss Gertie van den Berge has returned from her late visit to Chicago. And
now rumor has it that she is to be married to a young gentleman in this
vicinity about Wednesday next. Will report more fully next week.

The Northwestern Telegraph company are having another wire placed on their
line along the St. Paul and Sioux City railroad.

Mr. and Mrs. John Gleysteen and Mrs. de Booy made a flying trip to Sioux
City last Monday.

The bids for moving the school house in district No. 2, Nassau township, are
as follows: J. Frederick, $38; P. van den Berge, $44.95; N. Ginsbach, $45.
Mr. Frederick was awarded the contract.

The new hymn books, entitled "Christian Praise," for the East Orange Sabbath
school and general worship, have arrived.

A large stick of oak timber was stolen from J.B. Deutsch's blacksmith shop
on Monday morning. John offers a reward of $2 for information leading to the
capture of the thief.

G. Dorseman and John Schuller have repaired the bridge across the Floyd a
short distance east of town.

J.G. van den Berge and G. Gleysteen made a flying trip to Sheldon on


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