Iowa Old Press

Sioux County Herald
August 26, 1880


ED. HERALD: As this is the time of year when farmers are looking for the
best place to market their grain, we submit our report for publication in
your valuable paper together with such news items as may interest your

T. F. Sheeley, section foreman on the St. Paul road, was passing round fine
Havanas Thursday, the event being the arrival of a fine girl baby who will
call him papa.

A goodly number of the Freeport excursionists are visiting friends at this

The St. Paul company are repairing their elevator at this place and putting
it in good shape to handle the immense wheat crop which will be marketed
here this fall. A.W. Gilbert has also put his elevator in good shape for
handling the coarse grain crop.

The new crop has been taken care of in good shape, and the hum of the
thresher can now be heard. Farmers who have threshed report a good yield.

T. J. Reeves, our live merchant and postmaster, has just received a large
and new stock of groceries, provisions, dry goods, notions, and everything
to be found in a first class farmer's supply store, and is selling at prices
that defy competition, for cash. Farmers will do well to call at the
postoffice when in town.

We acknowledge a pleasant call last Saturday from Mr. Harmon and wife, of
the Herald. Newspaper people are always welcome. Call again, Charlie.

We quote markets as follows: Wheat No. 1, 75c; No. 2, 65c; No. 3, 57c; No.
4, 47c; Oats, 15c; Corn, old, 21c; Barley No. 3, 35c; Butter 15c; Eggs 8c.
Potatoes not salable.

Yours everly,

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