Iowa Old Press

The Independent published in East Orange the week of Feb 20, 1878 

East Orange Township   (issue was very faint, reproduced as best possible) 

East Orange Township in the extreme south east Corner of the county, being Township 91 Range 13.  The land is all the best of our county, is ___ hay prairie; is well watered ____ Willow creek, crossing it line and ly from N, E. to S. W.  The settlement is confined to the western side, not extending into the township more than 2 miles.  The rest of the land is vacant owned by the Iowa R. R. Land Co. and other non residents, prices range from $4. To $3.? Per acre.  There are 3 schoolhouses.  The present population is about 80.  The township is well located, being only 2 to7 miles from East Orange, and 13 – 20 from lemars.  Any of the Agents, whose cards appear in our rohnans? Will give ___ information in regard to lands.  Over 150 good farms may yet be opened in this township.  

Nassau Township  

The next Township west of East Orange is Nassau, being Town. 49, Range 44.  The land has the same general character as the most of the county.  The Floyd River runs through the township from northeast to south west diagonally.  Nassau is well provide with railroad facilities, the Sioux City and St. Paul Road crosses it, following the course of the Floyd River.  The population is about 400 being quite thickly settled, early all the even numbered sections and many part of the old sections being improved by actual settlers; there is however, a large amount of land, mostly railroad, to be had at from $7 to $10 per acre. There are 6 schools in the township.  East Orange, on of the 2 stations of the St. Paull R. R. in Sioux Co.  The second in size, and in many respects the principal business point; is located in the northeastern portion.  Since the town was laid out in 1873, despite locusts, and other drawbacks, East Orange has sturdily grown.  It now contains 2 elevators, 3 general stores, a hardware store, 2 lumberyards, Flour and feed store agricultural implement depot, billiard hall, Hotel photograph gallery, newspaper, physician, and Insurance agent.  A large amount of grain and pork is shipped and lumber, coal and merchandize received.   (portions of the  article is quite illegible.) … East Orange given promise of a bright future.  Wild land for several gook farms may be had yet in the immediate vicinity.  Nassau has excellent market facilities, and good grassland along the Floyd.  We will next write up on Reading and Sherman Townships.  

[transcribed by WJV, Feb 2021]

The Independent published in East Orange  dated Feb 27th 1878 

Sherman Township. 

Sherman township is next west of Nassau being Town 94 Range 45. The population is about 200.  The soil is same as most of the county.  Rolling prairie of rich dark loam from 2 to 10 feet in depth before clay is reached enriched by debris of successive prairie fire.  From careful personal analysis we know the soil of Sioux County to be as a rule of the same character, and as productive. 2 feet or more below the surface as on top.  A branch of the Floyd crosses Sherman some what west of its center from north to south, affording excellent grass lands and water for stock.  Lands range from $6 to $10 per acre and that vacant is mostly held by the Iowa  R. R. Land Co. There is considerable desirable land yet vacant.  The schoolhouses number 4 in this township.  

Reading Township

Next west of Sherman comes Reading, one of the largest in respect to territory in the county, the third, if not the second in wealth and population.  Reading is Towns. 94 and 95, Range 46.  The settlement is confined to the southern township, (94) the other, (95) being still almost all vacant and as the land is mostly held by non residents a large quantity of cheap and excellent land may yet be had.  Railroad lands range about the same as to price as in Sherman.  There is some excellent land yet in Reading, Sec. 16. Town 94 being to our eye one of the choicest in the whole county.  The population of Reading is about 300.  7 excellent schools are in operation.  Oskosh Post office is located in the Township, on the Orange City and Calliope routs.  As a whole for social and educational advantages Reading offers many inducements to persons wanting to settle.  The county poor farm and poor house are in the other parts of Reading.  

[transcribed by WJV, Feb 2021]

Iowa Old Press