Iowa Old Press

The Independent  published at East Orange Sioux County week of April 3, 1878 

Lincoln Township  

Lincoln is Township 97, Range 45, and the north half of 96, 45,  The Rock Valley crosses the extreme northwestern corner, while Butt Oak creek drains the northern, and the heads of several streams running to the Sioux the southern.  It must not be supposed however that there is any marsh or wet land in Lincoln any ore that other portions of our county.  Lincoln has 5 schoolhouses equaling any in the county in structures and equipment. Regular religious services are held in most or all of them in addition to schools.  The former locust raids were severe on Lincoln, but last season and particularly this spring new life and hope seem to have beer aroused and farms are being vigorously improved.  Athol and Maybell are the post offices.  Much good land and a few improved farms, may yet be had at reasonable figures. 

The Independent of East Orange Sioux County IA  week of April 24, 1878 

Sheridan Township 

Sheridan is the third in north tier of townships; Township 97, 44; and the north half of 96 and 44.  The soil differs in no respect from other parts of the county.  The West Branch of Floyd river, heads in the southeastern portion of Sheridan, crossing its south line near the southeast corner .   Sheridan is settled by an excellent, industrious class of people, a good community to locate among.  Four school houses, substantial, well furnished buildings, contribute to the welfare of the young ideas..  There is as yet no Post office in Sheridan, one should be established without delay.  

Grant Township 

Grant township is in the extreme northeastern portion of the county; containing 54 sections of well Sioux county land, guarantee enough as to its excellence; being 97, 43 and the north half of 96 and 43.  Grant is rapidly improving, several immense farms have been opened by non- resident land owners, the Sunnyside being the principal.  Sheldon, O’Brien Co. si located just over the eastern line of Grant, and the supposition is that, Sioux county will on the completion of the Mc Greger road to that point, have an opposition town in there borders, Grant has 5 schoolhouses.  The Sioux City and St. Paul road runs about 3 miles across the south east portion following the course of the Floyd River.  The Otter, quite a stream forms a Y near the northwest corner.  Grant has no post office, being supplied from Sheldon.  

[transcribed by WJV, Feb 2021

Sioux County Herald, Orange City, (Sioux), Iowa, April 25, 1878,
Page 1:

The school house at Seney suffered somewhat by the late storm, and the coal
house attached was moved several feet.

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