Iowa Old Press

Elk Horn-Kimballton Review
Elk Horn, Shelby co. Iowa
Thursday, December 28, 1933

Elk Horn Man Bought Good Farm on Ridge
J.P. Johnson has bought the Lars N. Larsen farm on the old Ridge Road, a mile and one-half northeast of Elk Horn. The deal was completed last week. The farm consists of 110 acres, 70 acres in the home place and a forty south of there. Buildings consist of a practically new story and one-half bungalow, a good barn and corn crib and other out-buildings. We understand the farm brought around $65. Leonard L. Johnson, son of the purchaser, will move to the farm about March 1, 1933.

John N. Esbeck Wins Doll and Not a Girl in Family
John N. Esbeck won the large beautiful doll which was a prize given by Simon Petersen, Elk Horn tonsorial artist, to the patron guessing nearest to the number of candy balls in a jar. The jar contained 270 balls, according to the auditors, Geo. Nissen and Peter Hoegh. Mr. Esbeck's guess was 269. Over 100 guesses were registered.

Home from Arkansas
Ansel Petersen, who is stationed at a reforestation camp in Arkansas, is spending his Christmas vacation with his parents Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Petersen.

Erna Rasmussen and Edwin Kringle were Married December 26
Miss Erna Rasmussen, daughter of Mrs. Monica Rasmussen of Kimballton, and Edwin L. Kringle, son of C.E. Kringle of Atlantic were united in marriage Tuesday, Dec, 26 at the First methodist church in Omaha, the Rev. Chas. C. Brady reading the service. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Boyd of Kimballton. Following the ceremony they returned to Kimballton where a wedding dinner was served at the Rasmussen home, relatives of the newly-weds being guests. The wedding was a surprise to the many friends here of the popular young couple. They had come here for Christmas, she from Des Moines and he from Iowa City were he attends the university, and no one had an inkling of the surprise that was in store. The bridegroom is a son of C.E. Kringle, state checker and former Cass county auditor. The young couple will leave after the holidays for Iowa City where they will make their home.

Fred Bonnesen and Son, Folmer, Start Blacksmith Shop at Farm
It begins to look like the old days are really coming back. Time was when blacksmithing, wagon-making and other work was a side line for certain farmers. The review this week has the announcement of a blacksmith shop being opened up the first of the year at the Fred Bonnesen farm between Elk Horn and Kimballton. The shop will be conducted by Fred Bonnesen and his son, Folmer. A building purchased from the Crystal Springs Creamery company will house the new smity and it will stand under a spreading cottonwood tree in the Bonnesen yard.

Fred Bonnesen is an experienced blacksmith. He learned the trade as a youth in Denmark, and has practiced it for years in both Elk Horn and Kimballton. Many years ago he worked for Rasmus Schroder in his shop at Elk Horn. Later he and peter J. Bertelsen ran a shop at Kimballton. Bonnesen retired about 15 or 20 years ago to devote all his time to farming. Young Bonnesen has taken a course in farm mechanics and has a liking and special bent for this kind of work, which is one of the reasons for the new firm. They will do horseshoing and all kinds of blacksmithing and state that prices will be reasonable.

Elk Horn Locals
-The Martin Boose, John Rattenborg and Verner Fredricksen families were guests Wednesday evening at the Nels Larsen home.
-Mr. and Mrs. Evald Petersen and daughter, Doris Ann, are visiting with his father, Hans Petersen, this week. Their home is in Colorado Springs, Colo.
-Mr. and Mrs. Nels Larsen entertained a large group of relatives for dinner Christmas eve. Those present were: Nels Juelsgaard and family, Mr. and Mrs. Verner Fredricksen and children, Mr. and Mrs. F.P. Fredricksen and family, and Clara Fredricksen of Atlantic.
-Mr. and Mrs. Wm Petersen entertained the following guests on Tuesday evening: Mr. and Mrs. John C. Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. Soren Larsen and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ole P. Olsen.
-Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hansen of Scranton and Mrs. Mike Larsen of Exira were guests Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mardesen.
-Mrs. Gode Godesen is ill at her home with an attack of heart trouble.
-Stanley and Alvin Krogstad are spending the week visitn g relatives in the vicinity of Avoca, Minnesota.
-Mrs. Mandy Larsen and son, Curtis, spent Christmas at the Emmert larsen home in Council Bluffs.
-Dr. and Mrs. Reynor Sorensen have been spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoegh.
-Miss Marie Henricksen, student at Cedar Falls, Ia., has been visiting this week with her sister, mrs. C.B. Nielsen, and family.
-The P.A. Petersen, Emery Petersen, Floyd and Harry Petersen families and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Westphalen were guests at the Roland Petersen home for Christmas day dinner.

Teachers leaving last Friday to spend the holidays at their homes were: Miss Nellie Norman, Lucas; Rudy Trainer, Atlantic; Helen Adkins, David City; and Nancy Clark, Omaha. supt. Jorgensen, Leo Petersen, Agnes Nielsen and Loretta Jave remained in Elk Horn.

The following students, nurses and teachers are home spending Christmas with relatives and friends: Beulah Carstensen of Luana, Ia.; Agnes Petersen of Ironwood, Mich.; Leila Juel and Edith James, of Omaha; Ernest James of Creighton U.; Folmer James of Boyles B.C.; Alvin P. Jorgensen of Iowa U.; Agnes and Anna Pettersen of Iowa State Teachers; Cornelius Jensen of Drake; Louise Christensen, Lyons, Nebr.; Irene Hansen and Rex Burd of Des Moines; Verda Olsen of Atlantic.

-Mr. and Mrs.Martin Scott left Friday for Slayton, Minn., to spend the holidays with the Clifton Christensen family.
-Miss Minnie Wittrup visited at the Otis Wittrup home Sunday and Monday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Olsen entertained Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jensen and family of Cherokee Saturday night and Sunday.
-The pony which Peter N. Petersen was riding fell with him last Thursday. petersen was bruised somewhat but not seriously hurt.
-Sam Adams shredded corn fodder in this neighborhood last week.
-Trygue Kvamme returned to his home here Wednesday evening after spending the past months in California.

-Alvin Petersen ceelebrated his birthday on Friday evening. Mrs. Thor Nelson on Saturday evening and Mrs. Dan Petersen on Monday, each entertaining a large number of guests.
-Several from here attended a shower dance in Harlan Wednesday evening, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kingsbury whose marriage of August 5 had just been announced. Mrs. Kingsbury is a niece of Martin Jensen and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Christensen of Harlan.
-Glen Hansen of Grand Island, Nebr., spent a couple of days during Christmas with is parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hansen.
-Word has been received here announcing the marriage of Viola Larsen, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Larsen of Poplar and Elmer Rasmussen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rasmussen of Gates on Dec. 16. No particulars have been learned.

Card of Thanks
We wish to thank neighbors and friends for their many acts of kindness and helpfulness during the long illness and at the death of our beloved mother, Mrs. Marie Hansen. Many thanks for the floral offerings.
Hans C. Hansen and Family
Walter Hoegh and Family

[transcribed by S.F., July 2007]

Iowa Old Press
Shelby County