Iowa Old Press

Quad-City Times 
Davenport, Iowa 
8 November 1944 
Bettendorf Soldier Was Killed June 2, Day He Was Reported Missing. 

Pvt. (f.c) Jack Kademan, whose wife, Mrs. Marie Klipstein Kademan, lives at 322 1/2 Harrison Street, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Kademan at 931 State Street, Bettendorf, was killed in action in Italy on June 12, the day he was previously reported missing, according to word received by the family from the war department. 
He was in action on the Anzio beachhead, and his death occurred during the drive in which American troops broke out of that beachhead and moved to join troops advancing from the south a few days before the occupation of Rome. 
Born in Savanna, Ill., June 1, 1919, Pvt. Kademan was educated at the Davenport high school. He was employed at Rock Island arsenal prior to his induction into the army on April 14, 1941.  
He received his basic training at Camp Claiborne, La., and further training at Fort Dix, N. J., before being sent to Ireland in February 1942. He took part in the invasions of North Africa and Sicily, and the establishment of the beachhead at Anzio.  
Pvt. Kademan was married to Miss Marie Klipstein Oct. 8, 1941. A brother, Tech. Sergt. Robert Kademan, was wounded in action in France in July, and is now in a hospital in England. He is also survived by a sister, Mrs. Charles Stitely, Portland, Me. A brother, Fred Kademan, died 10 years ago.

[transcribed by C.S., Jun 2022] 

The Daily Times 
Davenport, Iowa 
8 November 1944 
Bettendorf Man Is Reported as Killed in Action 
Pfc. Jack B. Kademan, 25, Missing Since June 2, Is Dead  

Pfc. Jack B. Kademan, 25, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Kademan, 931 State Street, Bettendorf, and husband of Mrs. Marie Klipstein Kademan, 322 1/2 Harrison Street, Davenport, who was reported missing in Italy on June 2 of this year, has now been reported as having been killed in action on that date. A message to this effect was received by his parents from the war department Tuesday evening. 
Kademan, who was an infantryman, saw action in North Africa, Sicily and in Italy and also participated in the fighting on the Anzio beachhead.  
Born in Savanna, Ill., Jan. 1, 1919, Pfc. Kademan came to Bettendorf with his parents about 18 years ago. He was graduated from the Davenport high school after which he was employed at the Rock Island arsenal for a time before entering the army April 14, 1941. He received his training at Camp Claiborne, La., and then went to Ft. Dix, N. J., before going overseas in February, 1942. He was stationed in Ireland before going to England.  
Pfc. Kademan was married here to Marie Klipstein, of Davenport, while he was home on furlough Oct. 18, 1941. 
A brother, Tech. Sgt. Robert Kademan, was wounded in France in July and is now in a hospital in England. Other survivors include a sister, Mrs. Dorothy Stiteley, whose husband, Lt. Charles Stiteley, is also serving in the armed forces. A brother, Fred Kademan, died 10 years ago. 

[transcribed by C.S., Jun 2022]

Iowa Old Press
Scott County