Iowa Old Press

Davenport Democrat and Leader
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Wednesday Evening, April 27, 1927


Special to the Democrat
   Fairfield, Ia., April 27 - Miss Retha Smith and Ralph Kessel, two well known young people of Fairfield were married Tuesday morning in St. Mary's Catholic church. Father E.F. Gaule celebrated the high mass and the wedding ceremony at which the single ring services was used. The bride wore a grain-colored flat crepe with hat and slippers to match. She had a corsage bouquet of Kilarney roses and sweet peas. Miss Leona Nady, bridesmaid, was gowned in green crepe. Robert Kessel attended his brother.
   The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith of Lockridge. She was graduated from the Mt. Pleasant high school in 1924 and has been a bookkeeper for the Fairfield Daily Ledger since.
   Mr. Kessel is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Kessel and after attending Fairfield schools studied at the Bell Electric School in Chicago. For the last two years he has been employed by the Electric Manufacturing company of this city. After a short wedding trip the young people will be at home with the groom's parents until the first of the year when they will occupy a farm north of this city.

Davenport Democrat and Leader
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
 April 28, 1927

Pleasant Plain Man Succumbs to Crushed Side; 
F. Cook Succumbs.

    Fairfield, Ia., April 28 - Oscar Johnson, residing two and a half miles northwest of Pleasant Plain who fell Monday morning from his hay mow and had his ribs broken by a pitch fork handle, died yesterday in the Washington county hospital where he was taken after the accident. The funeral will be held Friday at the Friends' church in Pleasant Plain and the Rev. Mr. Moon, the pastor, will have charge.
    Mr. Johnson is survived by his widow, formerly Esther Williams, and a 4-year-old son. He also leaves six sister and three brothers.

Frank L. Cook Dies.
    Frank L. Cook, aged 78 years, passed away at his home Wednesday after an illness of several months. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the First Baptist church conducted by Rev. T.F. Cooke. Burial will take place in Evergreen cemetery.
    Mr. Cook was born Aug. 6, 1848, in Providence, R.I. and spent his boyhood days there. His widow, three sons, James and Herbert of Washington, D.C., and Henry of Merrill, Wis., and one daughter, Mrs. Hugh Cochrell of this city survive. There is also a sister, Mrs. Hattie Paul of Moline, Ill.



Submitted by C.J.L., July 2005


Iowa Old Press
Scott County