Iowa Old Press

Davenport Democrat and Leader
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
April 8, 1926

Matt Garvey, Living Near Buffalo, Accused by His Neighbors

     Matt Garvey, a farmer living near Buffalo, is in the Scott county jail
awaiting preliminary hearing on a charge of stealing two sets of work
harness from his neighbors. His bond has been set at $500 and the date of
the preliminary hearing set for Saturday before Justice of the Peace Merle
Pieces of harness discovered in the barn on his farm have been identified by
Colin Garlock and Mrs. Nelson, neighbors, as parts of work harnesses stolen
from their respective barns during the last two weeks.
     Garvey, who has been arrested on one or two occasions in the past,
denies all knowledge of the theft.
     The arrest was made by Deputy Sheriffs Peter Dittmer and W.H. Korn.

Davenport Democrat and Leader
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
April 9, 1926

    George Monroe, of Nahant, who was found lying unconscious at Fourth and Brady
streets last night,  was sentenced to five days in jail when unable to pay costs. 
He is 18 years old.

Dave Garlock and John Winfield Jailed by Sheriff's Attaches.

     Dave Garlock and John Winfield were taken into custody last night and
early today by deputy sheriffs on suspicion of being implicated along with
Matt Garvey in a series of petty thefts committed on farms near Blue Grass
and Buffalo.
     Work harnesses, poultry, grain and even hives of bees have been stolen
during the past twelve months, according to evidence uncovered by Sheriff
Frank Martin. Any number of the thefts were never reported to the
authorities, it is said.
     The arrest of Garvey, and later the detention of Garlock and Winfield,
followed the discovery of portions of work harnesses in Garvey's barn near
Buffalo, which have been identified by Colen Garlock and a Mrs. Nelson as
harnesses stolen from their respective barns.
An investigation into the series of petty thefts reported has been
undertaken by the state grand jury which is now in session.
Davenport Democrat and Leader
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
April 11, 1926

     Matt Garvey, of Davenport, and Dave Garlock, of Blue Grass, were held
to the grand jury after preliminary hearing before Magistrate Metcalf
yesterday when they were arraigned on a charge of stealing a set of
harnesses from Colen Garlock, of Blue Grass, a brother of Dave Garlock.
Garvey, who is charged with possession of stolen property, is held on bond
of $500 and Garlock, who is charged with larceny, is held in bail of $200.
John Winfield, who is implicated in the case, was granted a continuance.
Davenport Democrat and Leader
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
April 14, 1926

Two for Larceny
Matt Garvey and Dave Garlock, accused of stealing work harnesses from
farmers residing in the west end of the county, were indicted jointly on a
charge of larceny from a building in the night time.

Cases Dismissed
...Jack Winfield, accused of larceny in connection with the theft of
harnesses from farmers near Buffalo and Blue Grass.

Davenport Democrat and Leader
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
April 22, 1926

Garlock Given Suspended Jail Sentence Because of His Family.

     A wife and two children in dire need of his support saved Dave Garlock,
confessed harness thief, from serving a term in the Scott county jail when
he was arraigned late yesterday before District judge W.R. Maines for
     The court imposed a six months' jail sentence upon the man and then
suspended the sentence at the recommendation of Assistant County Attorney
John J. McSwiggin.
     Garlock was arrested several weeks ago along with Matt Garvey on a
charge of stealing harnesses from farmers living near Blue Grass and
Davenport Democrat and Leader
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
April 27, 1926

Pleas were entered by the following:
Matt Garvey, indicted along with Dave Garlock on a charge of larceny of
harness from farmers living near Buffalo and Blue Grass. He was sentenced to
six months in the county jail and ordered to pay a fine of $100. Garlock
pleaded guilty on April 31 and was given a six months suspended jail

Submitted by C.J.L., July 2005


Iowa Old Press
Scott County