Iowa Old Press

Davenport Democrat and Leader
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
May 1, 1925

Fire Destroys Nahant Rooming House With an Estimated Loss of $4,000.
    When Mrs. Pearl Kelly* of Chicago arrives in Nahant late today or early tomorrow with her household goods to take possession of her property, she will find awaiting her a heap of blackened timbers and smoking ruins as the result of a fire which leveled the two-story frame rooming and boarding house causing an estimated loss of between $4,000 and $5,000.
    Mrs. May Collins, and her two children, who occupied the property, narrowly escaped death when flames threatened their rooms on the second floor. Several roomers also had narrow escapes.
    Three fire companies from Davenport were called to the scene shortly after 3 o'clock and succeeded, after laying 3,000 feet of hose, in saving a one-story kitchen adjoining the main building on the south. Two fire rigs became mired in the mud and had to be pulled out with the aid of a tractor.
    The origin of the fire is a mystery. Fire Chief Peter Denger expressed the belief that the fire started in the basement probably near the furnace. An explosion followed the sweep of the fire thru the first floor of the structure.
    Mrs. Collins, who was preparing to vacate the property today, lost practically all her household furniture and furnishings.
    Mrs. Kelly, the owner, is moving here by truck with the intentions of re-occupying the building, according to information furnished the firemen.
    The property is located to the east of the Mississippi Hotel, scene of a disastrous fire two years ago. The hotel property, which was closed under a court injunction order at the time of the fire is now being remodeled.

Stranger Takes Money.
    In addition to the loss of most of her household furniture, Mrs. Collins also lost $150 which she had accumulated with the intentions of using the money to pay off certain obligations she owed. Another roomer, whose name firemen did not learn, claims to have lost $200 which she had hidden under her pillow.
    The $150 which Mrs. Collins claims to have lost was hidden in a dresser drawer. This drawer was carried out by Assistant Fire Chief James Quinn and was issued over to a man at the door who claimed he was the owner. The fireman, unaware of the presence of money in the drawer, turned the contents over to the stranger, assuming that he was the lawful owner.
    Mrs. Collins was endeavoring this afternoon to locate the stranger and her $150.

* Probably Pearl Buergel Foley Kelly.

Davenport Democrat and Leader
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Tuesday evening, May 12, 1925

Was a Well Known and Popular Resident of Buffalo, Ia.
    Mrs. Anna Elizabeth Wrage, wife of Rudolph Wrage of Buffalo, Iowa, died at 7:15 o'clock this morning at Mercy Hospital, Davenport, after a lingering illness. She had been confined to the hospital over the past three weeks.
     The deceased, whose maiden name was Anna Fiedler, was born in Germany, Dec. 10, 1867, and when a mere baby was brot [sic] to Buffalo with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Fiedler. On June 5, 1888 she was united in marriage with Rudolph Fiedler [sic- Wrage], the ceremony performed by Rev. J.T. A. Flannagan at St. Peter's Church in Buffalo.
     Soon after marriage they came to Davenport, remaining here until 1895 when they returned to Buffalo and have resided here for the past 30 years.
    Mrs. Wrage was a devoted wife and mother and leaves many friends to mourn her passing. She is survived by the bereaved husband and the following children: Arthur R., Charles C., Elmer W., Mrs. O.E. Schroder, Mrs. John Inhelder and Miss Edna Wrage, all of Buffalo. There are also two sisters and a brother as follows: Mrs. Clement Bogelbaugh, Davenport; Mrs. John Porstmann, Kansas City, Mo., and Charles Fiedler, of Buffalo.
     The body was removed to the Fred N. Ruhl funeral home where it will remain until Wednesday morning when it will be returned to the family home in Buffalo. The funeral will be held from here at 8:30 o'clock at St. Peters church and interment at Rose Hill cemetery, Buffalo.


Submitted by C.J.L., July 2005


Iowa Old Press
Scott County