Iowa Old Press

Davenport Democrat and Leader
Davenport, Scott co. Iowa
Tuesday evening, January 6, 1925

Only Mexican War Survivor of Iowa 100 Years Today.
Rippey, Ia., Jan 6 - Daniel R. Gonder, Iowa's only survivor of the Mexican
war, celebrated his 100th birthday anniversary yesterday.  Mr. Gonder is in
excellent health.  He had been a Mason for 79 years.

Spanish War Vets Install New Officers
New officers of Walter G. Nagel Camp No. 10 United Spanish War Veterans,
were installed at the regular meeting held in Memorial hall at the Court
House last night.  Phil Kahles took over the gavel as commander of the camp.
Roy E. Tallmon, senior vice commander for the department of Iowa, came here
from Clinton to act as installing officer.  There were talks by Mr. Tallmon
and also by Edgar Kurtz, Adolph Herrmann and Harry Corry, past commanders of
the local post. Mr. Kahles, the new commander, plans big things for 1925.  A
membership drive which it is expected will net the camp a 50 per cent
increase in the roll is to be made.  The following officers were either
appointed or elected:
Senior vice commander - William Bowers
Junior vice commander - John Schmidt
Officer of the Day - Jess Doty
Officer of the Guard - Charles W. Dell
Adjutant - Harold Jacobsen
Quartermaster - Irvin S. Risley
Chaplain - J.H. Miner
Surgeon - Dr. A.P. Donohoe
Patriotic instructor - Ed Kurtz
Sergeant major - A.M. Parker
Quartermaster sergeant - Adolph Kahles
Color Sergeant - Louis Farus
Color Sergeant - J. Strassberger
Musician - Frank Rueffer

Centenarian at Iowa City Dies
Iowa City, Ia., Jan 6 - Miss Charlotte Stone, aged 101, the oldest woman in
this county, died this morning.  She has been unable to leave her bed for
fifteen years.

Academy Appointee
Miles, Ia., Jan 6 - Gilbert Bartlett has received an appointment to West
Point Military academy according to a telegram received by his father
Saturday.  He has been stationed at Omaha for some time, but will arrive
this week for a furlough of two months before going east to enter school
March 4.  He was a student at Iowa university for two years before entering
army service.

Yesterdays in Iowa - January 6
1841 - The Mechanics' Mutual Aid association was organized in Iowa City to
promote higher education.
1855 - James Harlan, of Mount Pleasant, was elected United States senator.
1869 - Charles Elliott, for many years president of Iowa Wesleyan
university, died at Mount Pleasant.  Born in Ireland, May 6, 1792.
1882 - Twenty-one deaths resulted from a railroad disaster at New Albion.
1892 - Judge Asa C. Call, who with his brother founded the town of Algona,
died.  Born in Ohio in 1825.

Miss Lillian Kinney to be Jan 21 Bride
Mr. and Mrs. John Kinney of 2110 Grand avenue announce the engagement and
approaching marriage of their daughter, Lillian, to Fred J. Permantier of
Davenport, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Permantier of Dubuque, Iowa.  The
wedding will be a ceremony on Wednesday morning, Jan 21, at the 8 o'clock
Mass in St. Paul the Apostle church, Rev. Father C.J. Donahoe to officiate.
Miss Marie Burmeister will attend the bride and Lester Permantier will act
as his brother's best man.  There will be a wedding breakfast at the family
home, and after a short trip the new home will be in Davenport.

Helen Gardner of Junction Becomes Bride.
Columbus Junction, Ia, Jan 6 - Miss Helen Gardner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George Gardner, was married to W.H. Jordan of Washington, in the Methodist
parsonage at Muscatine at 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon.  The ceremony was
performed by Rev. George Blagg of the Methodist church,, the ring ceremony
being used.  The bride spent her life in this community and after finishing
a course at Brown's Business college in Muscatine was secretary for the
Louisa County Power company, and is associated now with her sister in the
Gardner & Gardner millinery store.  Mr. Jordan is an electrician, employed
by the Iowa Gas and Electric company of Washington, where he has made his
home several years.  Miss Gertrude Gardner and Mrs. G.A. Salmon attended the


Johannsen.  Dorothy, 9 year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Johannsen,
2142 West Third street, passed away this morning at 5 o'clock. Death
terminated an illness of three days.  The deceased was born March 8, 1916,
and had been attending the Buchanan school.  She was a member of the St.
Mary's English Lutheran Sunday school.  Besides her parents, she is survived
by one sister, Irma; four brothers, Howard, Raymond, Billy and Arno; her
maternal grandparent, Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Seiffert, and her paternal
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Johannsen, all of Davenport.  Funeral
services will be held Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the parent's
home.  Interment will take place in Fairmount cemetery.

Rix.  Mrs. Leona Rix, 2219 Claussen street, passed away Monday afternoon at
3:30 o'clock at St. Luke's hospital after a three weeks' illness.  Leona
Stanley was born in Rock Island on March 30, 1905.  She was united in
marriage to George A. Rix on Jan 30, 1924, at Clinton, Iowa, and has resided
in Davenport since.  Mrs. Dix was a member of St. John's Methodist Episcopal
church of Davenport.  She is survived by her husband, George A. Rix; one
sister, Mrs. Clifford Workman, of Davenport; and her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Stanley, of Rock Island.  The body was taken to the Runge
mortuary, from where it will be taken to the home, and funeral services will
be held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.  Interment will take place in
Chippiannock cemetery.

Elkan Bundshuh, well known resident of Davenport died Monday evening at 7:10
o'clock at the home of his daughter, and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Silberstein, 610 Colorado street.  Death terminated an illness of four
weeks' duration.  The deceased was born February 26, 1847 in Germany, and
came to the United States when a young man, settling in Kansas.  He came to
Davenport in 1890.  Two years ago his wife preceded him in death.  Mr.
Bundschuh was a member of the Temple Emanuel.  Surviving are his daughter,
Mrs. Louis Silberstein, and two granddaughters, Frederica and Hortense, all
of Davenport.  The body was taken to the Runge mortuary, and will be taken
to the home of his daughter, Mrs. Louis Silberstein, where strictly private
funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock.  Interment
will take place in Mt. Nebo cemetery.  The family request that flowers be

Smith.  On Dec 22, at Bucklin, Mo., occurred the death of Frank Hollis
Smith, a former Davenport resident.  The deceased was born Oct. 27, 1864, at
Whiteside county, Illinois, and on Aug 29, 1912, at Rock Island, Ill., was
united in marriage with Mrs. Martha A. Dowell.  Burial took place at
Bucklin.  Surviving are the bereaved wife, as also two sisters, Mrs. Laura
Crosby of Wheeler county, Neb., and Mrs. Minnie Kidney, Kenosha, Wis.; and
two step-sons and one step-daughter.  Mr. Smith lived in Davenport for many
years and in 1915 moved to Detroit, where they made their home.  At the time
of his death he and his wife were spending the winter with Mrs. Smith's
mother at Bucklin.  He was a member of Lodge No. 28, L.O.O.M., of Davenport.

Priester.  Fritz Priester, retired farmer, died this morning at 11 o'clock
at his home, 1102 West Fourth street.  He was a resident of Davenport since
1900.  The deceased was born March 22, 1844, at Holstein, Germany, and came
to the United States in 1857, direct to Lincoln township, where he was a
farmer until 1900, when he moved to Davenport and established his residence
here.  On Feb. 8, 1867, he married Miss Minnie Hacker, who survives him
besides ten children.  They are Mrs. Laura Wellendorf, Herman Priester, Mrs.
Louise Fellner, Mrs. Maltida Greenwald, Emil Priester, Mrs. Alma Rauch, and
Mrs. Ella Clausen.  A brother, Adolph Priester, 23 grandchildren, and 14
great-grandchildren, also survive.  Two children preceded him in death.
They are Helen, who died in infancy, and Ferdmor, who died on Dec. 19, 1902.
The funeral will be held from the home, 1102 West Fourth street, Friday
afternoon at 2 o'clock, and interment will take place in Pine Hill cemetery.

Eggers Funeral.  Funeral services for Mrs. Amelia Eggers were held Monday
afternoon from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Maloschek, 2427
LeCaire street.  Rev. Mark Geizendamer of St. Mark's Lutheran church spoke
at the home and at the grave in Fairmount cemetery, where the remains were
laid to rest beside her husband.  Miss Louise Nagle and Mrs. Clarence Stage,
accompanied by Mrs. Howard Baugher sang "Nearer My God to Thee" and "Some
Day We'll Understand."  Pallbearers were RAyomond Wahig, Harry Siemsen,
Arthur Kurth, William Nieman, Elmer Eggers, and Gus Bulsterbaum, all
relatives of the deceased.

Oldsen Funeral.  The funeral of Mrs. Margaret Odsen was held Monday
afternoon from the Runge chapel.  Rev. Carl Holterman officated at the
chapel and at the interment in Fairmount cemetery.  Pallbearers were
Cornelius Odsen, Henry and Haris Reimers, Alfred Borehers, Henry Oldsen and
Carl Meyer.

Zernechel Funeral.  Funeral services for Fred Zernechal were held Monday
afternoon from thelate home, R.R. No. 6 Rockingham.  Rev. J.A. Miller pastor
of St. Paul's Lutheran church spoke at the home and at the interment in
Fairmount cemetery.  Rev. Miller sang two hymns, one in German. "Heilige
Seele" and "Some Day We'll Understand,"  Pallbearers were Hans Hamann, Fred
Meinberg, Fritz Homann, Louis Burmeister, Henry Rosenbach and Fred Dittman.

transcribed by S. F., March 2009

Davenport Democrat and Leader
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
January 12, 1925

Charged with Receiving Stolen Goods, Woman Enters Not Guilty Plea

     Mrs. Henry Nowack, charged with receiving stolen goods in connection
with the robbery of the Peoples Clothing store at 310 West Second street on
Dec. 18, was bound over to the Scott county grand jury on $1,000 bond this
     Attorney B.T. O'Neil, counsel for Mrs. Nowack, entered a plea of not
guilty and waived preliminary hearing before Police Magistrate Metcalf.
Claude Van Arsdale, who lives at the foot of Myrtle street, went Mrs.
Nowack's bond, putting up a certified check for that amount.
     Mrs. Nowack was arrested Friday afternoon by Officer Elmer Schlueter
and Detective Jim Carroll when they caught her wearing a $300 fur coat that
was stolen from the place. She signed a confession stating that it was the
stolen coat and implicated Matt Garvey, who is being held in jail at
     Captain F.J. Lew and Officer Schlueter drove to Clinton yesterday to
interview Garvey and get him to confess the robbery. Garvey denied that he
had anything to do with it, but an overcoat, also stolen from the store, was
found in the possession of another prisoner at the jail. The prisoner stated
that he bought the coat from Garvey for $7.
     Garvey is also wanted in Rockingham in connection with selling a
mortgaged car.
     "I'm not going to say anything until I get back to Davenport," he told
Captain Lew. "Every place I go, they're lookin' for me, and I'm going to
keep still until I get this mess settled up here."

Submitted by C.J.L., July 2005


Iowa Old Press
Scott County