Iowa Old Press

Davenport Democrat and Leader
Davenport, Scott co. Iowa
February 4, 1925

Decade Old Letter Saves DeWitt Woman From Grave of Pauper in Denver,
Denver, Colo., Feb 4 - A 10-year-old letter, tattered and yellow with
age; saved Mrs. Loetta Downs of Birmingham, Ala., and daughter of a
well-to-do DeWitt, Iowa, family from burial in a pauper's grave here,
it was revealed here.  Mrs. Downs, who died here of tuberculosis Jan.
15, managed to gasp out an almost incoherent tale to a priest just
before the end came.  She said her husband and stepdaughter were
enroute to Denver from Birmingham in an automobile.  For 15 days her
body was held in an undertaking establishment but no word was
received from Birmingham.  Searching among the dead woman's effects
the letter was found.  It was written by P.H. Judge, then an attorney
at DeWitt, Iowa, and conveyed to her a partial settlement of the
$60,000 estate of her father, the late Patrick Gorman, an Iowa
farmer.  Undertakers sent a letter to Judge at DeWitt.  Last Saturday
the letter, having traveled to Iowa reached Denver again where Judge
now is practicing law.  He identified the body and wired to relatives
for money covering funeral expenses.  Yesterday the body was shipped
back to her old home in Iowa.  She is survived by two sisters at
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and numerous relatives at DeWitt.

Fumigate School Due to SmallPox
Bristow, Ia, Feb. 4 - Bristow school was closed for fumigation
yesterday when the janitor, Henry Fiak, was stricken with smallpox. 
Most of the students have been vaccinated.

Settlement Made in Vinton Suit by Payment of $500
Vinton, Ia., Feb 4 - The $20,000 damage suit brought by Elmer Palmer,
Belle Plaine householder, against John Carl, also of Belle Plaine,
for the alienation of his wife's affections and breaking up his home
have been settled by the payment of $500, it was learned today.

W.J. Cameron, De Witt, Dies
DeWitt, Ia., Feb 4. - William J. Cameron, aged 70 years, a resident
of this vicinity for over 60 years, died at 10 o'clock last night in
his home after a long illness.  Mr. Cameron was born Aug. 26, 1854 in
Cambridge, Ohio, and when he was seven years old, came to DeWitt.  He
lived with his uncle, the late William Talbot and grew to manhood
here.  He was united in marriage Jan. 1, 1898 with Miss Genevieve
Byrne and she with a brother, Isaac of Chillicothe, Ohio, and a
sister, Mrs. W.S. McCarloney of Cambridge, Ohio, survive.  Mr.
Cameron for many years conducted a hardware store here.  No funeral
arrangements have been made.

W.R. Wallace Dies
Columbus Junction, Ia., Feb 4 - News has been received here of the
death Sunday night of William R. Wallace at his home in Haskins. 
Funeral services were held in the Presbyterian church at Haskins
yesterday afternoon.  Rev. E. Heltibride of Grundy Center officiated
and burial was in the Ainsworth cemetery.  Mr. Wallace was born in
Ohio Nov. 15, 1843 and came to Iowa in his youth.  He is survived by
the widow, two sons, Lawrence and James, and a daughter, Mrs.
Elizabeth Wheatly.  Seven grand-children and six great grandchildren
also survive.

Brother of Frank Gilmore Dies
Donahue, Ia., Feb 4 - Word has been received by Frank Gilmore of
Allen's Grove that his brother, Dr. Lincoln Gilmore of Kansas City
was killed by a train in that city.  Dr. Lincoln was a member of a
pioneer family in this vicinity and spent his youth on the Gilmore
farm here.

Farrand to Spend 30 Days in Jail
Muscatine, Ia., Feb 4 - Harold Farrand, 20-year old oil station sneak
thief, was sentenced to 30 days in jail this morning by Justice H.D.
Horst on his plea of guilty.  The charge against Farrand was altered
to that of larceny.  Otis Oliver, 15, his aide, was committed to
Eldora school by the court yesterday afternoon.

Wirtz Lad Dies
Muscatine, Ia., Feb 4 - George Joseph Wirtz, 5-year old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Wirtz, 970 Lucas street, died at 4 o'clock this morning
after a brief illness of whooping cough and pneumonia.  The lad was
born here July 7, 1919.  Beside the parents, a sister, Dorothy

Berg Funeral is to be Thursday
Muscatine, Ia., Feb 4 - Funeral services for Aug. Berg will be held
Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home, 1202 Hershey avenue. 
Rev. Emil Goetz, will officiate and burial will be in Greenwood

Muscatine, Ia., Feb 4 - Otis Oliver, 15, Independence, Ia., and Fred
Austin, 17, Roanoka, Va., run-away lads, spent last night in the
police station while authorities were awaiting response to their
calls for carfare back home.

Yesterdays in Iowa (February 4)
1852 - A Whig convention was called to meet at Iowa City to nominate
candidates for minor State offices.
1890 - Preparations were begun in Des Moines for the nomination of
Horace Boies, the first Democratic governor since 1854.
1901 - Daniel Anderson, of Albia, colonel of the First Iowa Cavalry
in the civil war and one of the founders of the Republican party in
Iowa, died.  Born in Indiana in 1821.
1912 - Gen. James B. Weaver, the noted soldier and statesman, was
reported seriously ill in Des Moines.

One year Ago Today.
Congress, after eulogies in both Houses, adjourned out of respect for
the late Woodrow Wilson.

James Holden is Named to Highway Commission
St. House, Des Moines, Ia., Feb 4 - Governor Hammill sent to the
senate for confirmation today the name of James W. Holden of Scranton
to be a member of the highway commission for a 4-year-term beginning
July 1.  Mr. Holden is at present a member of the commission.

Court News
T.J. Brus has been appointed administrator of the estate of the late
Henry Eggers, who died Dec. 11.  Jebens & Butenschoen are the
attorneys.  Personal property owned by the estate is valued at

Marriage Licenses
Harry Bottema, Rock Island, Ill., and Mary Anna Foley, Davenport.
George Stankee, Calamus, Iowa, and Emma Peters, Davenport.

Gabe Simons, Convicted Murderer, Making Bead Bags in "Death Row"
Finding life in "death row" monotonous, Harland (Gabe) Simons, of
Tipton, under sentence to hang for the murder of Orton Ferguson, a
tourist, at West Liberty on July 15 last, has turned his attention to
the manufacture of bead work in the state penitentiary at Fort
Madison, according to word reaching Davenport today.  Simons was
tried here last fall for the murder of Ferguson and found guilty by a
jury.  His punishment was fixed at death and the date of execution
set for Nov. 16.  He has an appeal pending at the present time.  Life
in "death row" grew monotonous to Simons, according to the story
brought to Davenport by Don Davis, a special agent for the Iowa
Department of Justice, who visited the condemned man recently. 
Simons appearled to the warden for an opportunity to work, preferring
manual labor to being alone with his thoughts.  The warden assigned a
convict from the bead department to act as instructor to Simons. 
After a few lessons the former Tipton laborer became quite adept
inthe art of fashioning beads into bags and trinkets, according to
the state man.  Simons is now regularly employed in the bead
department and seems to enjoy the work.

Girl On Trial for Murder of Babe
Council Bluffs, Ia., Feb 4 - A jury was completed at noon today in
the case of the state against Blanche Galvin, 22, Atlantic young
woman indicted for the murder of her new born babe, and statements of
the opposing counsel are being made this afternoon.  Miss Galvin is
charged with having left her babe, nearly nude, a short time after it
was born at the home of a sister in this city, upon the salk, where
it was found by neighbors.  Death was due to exposure.

--Submitted by S.F., Aug 2007


Davenport Democrat and Leader
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Tuesday evening, Feb. 10, 1925

The Rostenbach Funeral
    Funeral services were held for Mrs. Emma Rostenbach from the late home, 2802 Jefferson avenue, Monday afternoon. Rev. M.A. Getzendaner had charge of the services at the home and at the burial in Rosedale [sic] cemetery, Buffalo.
    Pallbearers were Carl, William, Edward and Ernest Henning, Joe Zurcher and David Murray.


--Submitted by C.J.L., Sep. 2005


Iowa Old Press
Scott County