Iowa Old Press

Davenport Democrat and Leader
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
July 8, 1923

Injunction Proceedings to Follow Raids Conducted by State and County.
Crow Creek Inn, Hollywood Inn and Helen Van Dale's Resort Searched.

    Closing at least three roadhouses in Scott county thru injunction proceedings was forecast Saturday by county officials following a series of raids conducted the night before by state, federal and county authorities on Hollywood Inn, Palmer's Inn and Crow Creek Inn in which eight men and three women were arrested, including Helen Van Dale, former queen of the old Rock Island underworld and reputed head of an interstate vice ring. Considerable whisky, wine and hooch was confiscated.
    The following were arrested and later released from the county jail on $500 appearance bonds pending their preliminary hearings in Justice Merle F. Wells court:
    James (Brick) Munro, proprietor of Hollywood Inn, John Allen and Fred McCarty, booked as bartenders and helpers at the Inn.
    LeRoy and Ed Gadient proprietors of the Inn at Crow Creek, located two miles east of Bettendorf.
    Helen Van Dale is held as the proprietoress of Palmer's Inn, located across the road from the Hollywood Inn, near Nahant. Edna Smith and W.W. Bennell, found at Helen's place, were booked as inmates. Helen's case is set for hearing on July 18th.
    In addition to raiding the three roadhouses, the authorities also visited the river shacks of Harry Hoffman and Sabin Bray in Rockingham township. Dora Reide, who was found at Hoffman's place, was booked as an inmate. Both Hoffman and Bray were arrested. Hooch was found at both places, the authorities say.
    Hoffman's and Bray's places are not considered roadhouses by the authorities for the reason that both buildings are mere shacks and do not enjoy the class patronage associated with Hollywood, Palmer's or Crow Creek Inn.
    Hoffman and Bray were arrested several weeks ago when federal and state authorities "mopped up" the river banks on both sides of the stream. Both pleaded guilty and also consented to the issuance of permanent injunctions against their places. Both stand a chance of being cited into court on contempt proceedings as a result of the raids.
    County authorities have no accurate check on the amount of the liquors seized and will not have until early this week. At the Hollywood Inn the raider secured a three gallon jug of hooch, two and one-half quarts of hooch a gallon and a pint of wine.
    A ten gallon jug of whisky was discovered at Crow Creek Inn together with eight bottles of hooch. A small amount of honor? was found at the Helen Van Dale place and also at Hoffman's and Bray's.

Follows Complaints.
    The raids were the results of repeated complaints made to city and county authorities. State Agent James Roden, who assisted Sheriff William Brehmer in Friday night's raids, declared Saturday that the state would invoke the injunction law and close the properties for a year. County Attorney John Weir announced that injunction proceedings would be filed as soon as the preliminary hearings have been held and his office notified of the evidence secured against the resorts.
    An attempt was made earlier in the year to secure injunction proceedings against the Hollywood Inn and also against Crow Creek Inn. The proceedings against Hollywood were started at a time when "Diamond Joe" Maloff was operating the resort. He disposed of the place to Munro and the injunction proceedings were dropped.
    In the Crow Creek Inn case a hearing was held before Judge W. W. Scott and a temporary restraining order was denied the state on the ground that the evidence of illegal sales was inadequate.

Running Young Girls.
    That the resorts are responsible for much of the delinquency to be found among the younger girls of the city and county is claimed by State Agent Risden. He claims young girls are invited to parties in the resorts and encouraged to drink.


Davenport Democrat and Leader
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
July 15, 1923

Temporary Injunctions Issued Against Hollywood and Crow Creek Inn.

    Proprietors of two of the three roadhouses raided by state, federal and county authorities on July 5 were enjoined by Judge F.D. Letts in district court Saturday from selling or keeping for sale any intoxicating liquors under penalty of contempt proceedings. The two resorts hit by the injunction law are the Hollywood Inn, located near Nahant, west of the city and the Crow Creek Inn, located two and one-half miles east of Bettendorf.
    The keepers of the third resort- Palmer's or Auto Inn, located across the road from the Hollywood Inn-have announced their intentions of resisting the state's attempt to obtain an injunction against the place. The resort is being conducted by Helen Van Dale, erstwhile queen of the old Rock Island underworld, and W.W. Bennell, and Edna Smith. The hearing has been continued until Aug. 6.
    Temporary injunctions were obtained by the state against James (Brick) Munro, F.M. McCarthy and John Allen as proprietors of Hollywood Inn, and Ed and LeRoy Gadient and Walter Sievert, proprietors of the Crow Creek Inn.
    Permanent injunctions against the above proprietors together with the owners of the premises will be sought by the state at the next term of court.
    The independent Real Estate company, named in the state's application as the owner of Hollywood Inn, ?led an answer yesterday, disclaiming ownership in the property. The company, thru its attorneys, Thuenen & Thuenen, claims the property was sold some time ago. James Hendrych, of Bettendorf, is the owner of Crow Creek Inn.

Davenport Democrat and Leader; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; July 3, 1923

Arrested by Officer Roy Muhs for Second Time in Past Month
     Otto Gassman can now look forward to the autumnal visit of Federal Judge Martin J. Wade with pleasure for he will face that stern old gentleman on two counts of liquor possession instead of one as a result of a raid at 522 West Eleventh street made by Federal Prohibition Officer Muhs last night.
     He served 60 days in jail over a year ago for violation of the liquor laws. Several weeks ago Gassman was arrested and bound to the federal court after a raid on a shanty in a hollow near Eleventh and Ripley street. Last night several quarts of liquor were found at his residence.
     No charges will be filed with the commissioner on this count but the additional evidence will be presented to the judge.

Davenport Democrat and Leader; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; July 8, 1923

Injunction Proceedings to Follow Raids Conducted by State and County
11 Are Under Arrest
Crow Creek Inn, Hollywood Inn and Helen Van Dale's Resort Searched.

     Closing of at least 3 roadhouses in Scott county thru injunction proceedings was forecast Saturday by county officials following a series of raids conducted the night before by state, federal and county authorities on Hollywood Inn, Palmer's Inn and Crow Creek Inn in which eight men and three women were arrested, including Helen Van Dale, former queen of the old Rock Island underworld and reputed head of an inter-state vice ring. Considerable whiskey, wine and hooch was confiscated.
     The following were arrested and later released from the county jail on $500 appearance bonds pending their preliminary hearings in Justice Merle F. Wells' court:
     James (Brick) Munro, proprietor of Hollywood Inn, John Allen and Fred McCarty, booked as bartenders and helpers at the inn.
     LeRoy and Ed Gadient, proprietors of the Inn at Crow Creek, located two miles east of Bettendorf.
     Helen Van Dale is held as the proprietoress of Palmer's Inn, located across the road from the Hollywood Inn near Nahant. Edna Smith and W.W. Bennell, found at Helen's place, were booked as inmates. Helen's case is set for hearing on July 18th.
     In addition to raiding the three road houses, the authorities also visited the river shacks of Harry Hoffman and Sabin Bray in Rockingham township. Dora Reide, who was found at Hoffman's place, was booked as an inmate. Both Hoffman and Bray were arrested. Hooch was found at both places, the authorities say.
     Hoffman and Bray's places are not considered roadhouses by the authorities for the reason that both buildings are mere shacks and do not enjoy the class of patronage associated with Hollywood, Palmer's or Crow Creek Inn.
     Hoffman and Bray were arrested several weeks ago when federal and state authorities "mopped up" the river banks on both sides of the stream. Both pleaded guilty and also consented to the issuance of permanent injunctions against their places. Both stand a chance of being cited into court on contempt proceedings as a result of the raids.
     County authorities have no accurate check on the amount of the liquors seized and will not have until early this week. At the Hollywood Inn the raider secured a three gallon jug of hooch, two and one-half quarts of hooch a gallon and a pint of wine.
     A ten gallon keg of whiskey was discovered at Crow Creek Inn together with eight bottles of hooch. A small amount of liquor was found at the Helen Van Dale place and also at Hoffman's and Bray's.

Following Complaints.
     The raids were the results of repeated complaints made to the city and county authorities. State Agent James Risden, who assisted Sheriff William Brehmer in Friday night's raids, declared Saturday that the state would invoke the injunction law and close the properties for a year. County Attorney John Weir announced that injunction proceedings would be filed as soon as the preliminary hearings have been held and his office notified of the evidence secured against the resorts. 
     An attempt was made earlier in the year to secure injunction proceedings against Crow Creek Inn. The proceedings against Hollywood were started at a time when "Diamond Joe" Maloff was operating the resort. He disposed of the place to Munro and the injunction proceedings were dropped.
     In the Crow Creek Inn case a hearing was held before Judge W. W. Scott and a temporary restraining order was denied the state on the ground that the evidence of illegal sales was insufficient.

Running Young Girls.
     That the resorts are responsible for much of the delinquency to be found among the younger girls of the city and county is claimed by State Agent Risden. He claims young girls are invited to parties in the resorts and encouraged to drink.

Davenport Democrat and Leader; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; July 9, 1923

     Friday, the 13th, is the date set for the hearing of six of those caught in the liquor raid last Friday night. The hearing will be in the office of justice Merle F. Wells at 9 o'clock. Those who will appear are Sabin Bray, John Allen, Doris Reed, Harry Hoffman, Joe McCarthy and "Brick" Monroe.
     The cases of Ed and Roy Gadient of Crow creek inn will be heard at 10 o'clock. Attorney Wm. Chamberlain to represent them; and on the 16th will be heard the cases of Helen Van Dale, Wm. Benell and Edna "Dimples" Smith.

Davenport Democrat and Leader; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; July 11, 1923

Walter Sievert Held as One of Proprietors of Crow Creek Inn.
     Walter Sievert, who is accused by county and state authorities of being associated with Ed and LeRoy Gadient in the operation of Crow Creek Inn, scene of a raid by officers last Friday night, was taken into custody Tuesday night by Sheriff William Brehmer and State Agent James Risden on a warrant charging illegal possession of intoxicating liquor. Sievert was released on bond pending a hearing before Justice of the Peace Merle F. Wells.
     Coincident with the arrest of Sievert, the sheriff and state agent also re-arrested Ed Gadient on a state charge of carrying concealed weapons. Information against the man was sworn out in Wells' court by the state agent who claims Gadient was carrying a "sap" in his pocked the night of the raid.
     Gadient was also released on bond and his hearing in Wells' court was postponed until July 18.

Davenport Democrat and Leader; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; July 15, 1923

Federal Officer and Police Visit East Locust Street Residence.

     Samples of home brew beer seized at the home of Emil Briga, 115 East Locust street, in a raid Friday afternoon, will be analyzed by federal chemists to determine their alcoholic content. The liquor was destroyed after samples had been preserved for examination and for record.
     About 175 gallons of home brewing beer and some 10 gallons of beer in a process of fermentation were seized at the Briga home by Federal Prohibition Officer Roy E. Muhs and Detective Pete Kuehl and Officer Pat Dietz of the police department.
     That the raid was made as a result of complaints of alleged sales of liquor about the premises was the statement of the officres.

Davenport Democrat and Leader; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; July 18, 1923

Bound Over to Grand Jury Under $1,000 Bond; Helen Van Dale, Edna Dimples Smith, and W.W. Benell of Palmer's Inn Plead Not Guilty

     HARRY HOFFMAN, arrested at his shanty boat during the night raid of July 7th, arraigned before Justice Merle F. Wells this morning, on a charge of maintaining a liquor nuisance was bound over to the  grand jury under $1,000 bond. This was Hoffman's third offense and the state counsel, Walter Newport, declared that an attempt would be made to have him sentenced for three years in the penitentiary in accordance with a recent statute making that the extreme penalty for a third liquor offense. Hoffman was represented by Attorney William Chamberlain.
     Helen Van Dale, said to have been the "sweetie" of former chief of police Tom Cox of Rock Island in the halcyon days of revelry and extortion pleaded not guilty when arraigned before Justice Wells this morning. Edna "Dimples" Smith and W.W. Benell, who were taken with her in the July 7th raid on Palmer's inn, likewise pleaded not guilty. Their case is up for hearing again this afternoon. J.P. Pedersen is their attorney.
     Sabin Bray, another shanty boater, captured the same memorable night, obtained a continuance till Friday morning when his case came up this morning. Ed Gadient, LeRoy Gadient, and Walter Sievert, who were taken at Crow Creek Inn on July 7, waived preliminary hearing this morning and were bound over to await the action of the grand jury. Their bond was fixed at $500. They were represented by attorney Chamberlain.
     The cases of J.A. Monroe, Fred McCarthy and John Allen, of Hollywood Inn, were up for hearing before Justice Wells late Tuesday afternoon. They were bound over to the grand jury also and their bond was fixed at $500. County attorney John Weir represented the state and Harold Thuenen the defendants.

Davenport Democrat and Leader; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; July 19, 1923


     HELEN Van Dale, who with Edna "Dimples" Smith and W.W. Benell was caught in the raid of July 7, after a preliminary hearing Wednesday morning and afternoon and this morning, at the office of Justice of the Peace, Merle F. Wells, was bound over to the grand jury. Her bond was fixed at $1,000. This was furnished by Nick Coin.
     Edna "Dimples" Smith and Benell, who, as in the case of Helen Van Dale, pleaded not guilty, were likewise bound over and their bond was set at $500 each. W.J. Bryson and Nick Coin furnished bond in their cases and al three were released.

Sweetie Couldn't Deliver.
     It looked for a time as if "Dimples" might have to go to jail, and she said she was willing to do this. She called up her "Sweetie," who appeared to have a flat pocketbook, but Bryson and Coin finally consented to furnish the necessary coin.
     State investigators testified that at Helen Van Dale's Gardens, otherwise known as Palmer's Inn and the Auto Inn, they had called for straight whisky with sideboards on." This drink turned out to be a tumblerful of hootch.

Davenport Democrat and Leader; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; July 20, 1923

Justice Merle F. Wells this morning dismissed the case of Sabin Bray, shanty owner, who was taken in the raid of July 7. No liquor was found on his premises, and there was no evidence of his having sold liquor.

Davenport Democrat and Leader; Davenport, Scott, Iowa; July 29, 1923

Soft Drink Bar Proprietor Will Face United States Commissioner.

     At 5:30 o'clock Saturday evening, Prohibition Agent Roy E. Muhs and Officer Patrick Dietz secured a search warrant for the bar of Arnold Wessel, 408 Cedar street, at the office of Justice Merle F. Wells.
     At 6 o'clock, Wessel was on his way to the police station with a gallon of hooch, found behind his bar and in his barn by the raiders.
    Charges of liquor possession have been filed against Wessel, and he will be given a hearing before U.S. Commissioner A.G. Bush early this week.
     According to Mr. Muhs, Wessel's place has been the objective for four or five raids, all of which proved fruitless because of Wessel's uncanny ability to scent the approach of the law, dumping his contraband.
    "The Wessel raid is a record one, considering the time when we got the search warrant," Mr. Muhs said last night.


Submitted by C.J.L., July 2005


Iowa Old Press
Scott County