Iowa Old Press

Davenport Democrat and Leader
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Friday, March 31, 1910


    Miss Clyota Wylie, after spending a pleasant visit with relatives in Muscatine, has returned to her home in Buffalo.
    F. Bald, who has been busily engaged this past few weeks painting the new residence of Dr. G. Frank of Sunbury, has returned to Buffalo.
    Banner lodge No. 16, K. of P., will hold their regular meeting Saturday night at their hall on Third street.
    G.W. Bailey, Jr., has returned from Letts, Iowa, where he has been spending a few days visiting relatives.
    Alpha circle of King's Daughters held their regular meeting Tuesday afternoon at the M.E. church. Routine business was transacted and reports read. A social hour was also enjoyed. The next meeting will be held April 19, with Mrs. A.J. Rostenbach.
    Mrs. H. Laschansky of Durant came to Buffalo Wednesday evening and will spend a time here visiting relatives.
    Mrs. M. Hoffbauer entertained the Ladies' Aid society at her home Thursday afternoon. About 24 ladies were present, including several visitors. Routine business was transacted and final plans were made for the free public library which will be installed back of the Crawford drug store. After the sewing was laid aside a time was spent socially. Dainty refreshments were served. Next meeting will be with Mrs. J.F. Hiersemann, when election of officers will be held.
     L.E. Kautz of Davenport spent Thursday here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Kautz.
    Mesdames J.D. Dutcher and H.R. Meyer of Linwood were Thursday callers in Buffalo attending the Ladies' Aid society meeting.


    Miss Lucy Schardler, who has taught school the past winter at Buchanan, Iowa, is at home for her Easter vacation.
    Mrs. Fred Averill entered St. Luke's hospital at Davenport Saturday and on Monday she submitted to an operation for the removal of a tumor, from when she is recovering.
    Mr. and Ms. Ed Davis who have resided at Des Moines the past winter, returned to LeClaire this week. Mr. Davis will leave shortly for Canada.
    Mr. St. Ores of Thompson, Ill., is spending a few days at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J.A. Teeter.
    Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Lambach and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sweeney were present at a family reunion of the Albright family in the celebration of the birthday of Mrs. Emma Straw, at her home at Moline, Ill., last Sunday.
    The population of the town has been lessened this week by the number of men that have gone to their work on government works and many will leave next week.
    Mrs. W. Rathmann entertained the Dorcas ladies in a charming manner at her home Tuesday. It was a decided Easter party. In the contest the favor went to Mrs. Grace Meyer, A dainty lunch was served by the hostess.
    J.V. Pollock Jr., left Thursday to take the position of engineer on the steamer Keokuk, of the Blair packet line.
    The spirit of improvement struck at the home of Captain W.A. Shirk who is having his home painted.
    Mrs.  R.P. Lancaster's residence is receiving a new roof, paint and concrete walks, while Misses Alice and Fannie Davisson have workmen busy grading their lawn and laying concrete steps and walks.

Submitted by: C.J.L., May 2004


Iowa Old Press
Scott County