Iowa Old Press

Davenport Democrat and Leader
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
April 1, 1910


    The protracted illness of Andrew S. Miner, a well-known Davenporter for many years, ended at 9:15 this morning when he expired at his home, 705 Ripley street. Mr. Miner was born in Stockton, then Fulton, Scott county, Aug. 2, 1869, the family removing to Davenport in his boyhood. His home has been here since, and he had many friends who will sympathize  with the wife and little daughter in their bereavement. Mr. Miner's period of ill health extends back for some time, and he spent some six months in the state sanitorium at Iowa City in the hope of finding relief, but in vain.
    Besides the wife and three-year-old daughter, his death is a bereavement to two brothers and a sister, L. Bayliss Miner of Del Rio, Tex., John A. Miner of Davenport, and Miss Flora B. Minor of Des Moines, who was here Monday and Tuesday and returned to Des Moines when her brother showed some gain in his condition.
    The funeral will be held at 2:30 Saturday afternoon, with services at the home and burial at Oakdale. Rev. H.O. Rowlands will officiate. The services will be private.

    At the family residence, 204 East Eighteenth street, occurred the death of Mrs. Marian Davis, widow of the late R.S. Davis, the pioneer grocer, who for many years was located at Locust and Iowa streets.
    Mrs. Davis was a well-known and highly respected resident of Davenport and was greatly loved by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. She was 65 years of age, having been born in Enniscorthy, Ireland. Coming to this country in early childhood, she has for many years made her home in Davenport.
    The fatal ailment was paralysis of two years' duration. Mrs. Davis is survived by three children, two sons and one daughter. These are Fred G. Davis, Harry Davis, and Anna Davis.
    The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon from the late home with services conducted at 1:30 o'clock by Dean Hare of Trinity cathedral and burial in Oakdale cemetery.

    Emil Lange, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. William Lange, 1533 West Fourth street, passed away last night at the family home after a short illness. The baby was one month old and 11 days of age, having been born in this city Feb. 19, 1910. His parents and one sister, Viola, survive. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon from the late residence, 1533 West Fourth street. Burial will be made in Fairmount cemetery.

Kraft Funeral.
    The funeral of Mrs. Minnie Kraft was held yesterday afternoon from the late residence, 1328 Fulton avenue. Rev. Mott R. Sawyers officiated at the service both at the home and at the grave. There was a large attendance of friends and neighbors and many flowers were sent as a tribute to her memory. The pallbearers were William Heick, Herman Papenbrock, Louis Ockershausen, A.F. Nelson, Henry Smith and Joe Kibler. Burial was made in Oakdale cemetery.

    To the many kind friends and neighbors who kindly assisted us in our late bereavement in the loss of my wife and our mother and sister, Mrs. Minnie Kraft, we extend our sincere thanks and appreciation. We wish to thank the A. Wood Creamery Co., J.F. Kelly Co., Morton L. Marks Co., H.T. Proestler Co., H.A. Morrow Co., Martin Woods Co., J.J. Buzzard Tri-City Fruit Co., P.N. Jacobsen Cigar Co., Crescent Macaroni Co., and the Retail Merchants for their many floral offerings and the Mt. Ida Merchants who showed their respect by closing their places of business at the time of the funeral. Also the ladies who sang at the services and Rev. Mott Sawyers for his consoling words at the home and the grave.

    Mrs. Jennie Topp and family desire to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to sympathizing friends who so kindly assisted by cheering words, beautiful flowers and helpful assistance during my husband's recent illness and death.

Submitted by: C.J.L., May 2004


Iowa Old Press
Scott County