Iowa Old Press

Davenport Democrat
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
January 1, 1907



1.Mrs. Anna Lamp, widow of founder of Peter Lamp Iron company, died on her birthday.
2. Davenport ministers announced plans for April-June revival meetings.
3. Rev. Herman Frencken of Davenport appointed to pastorship at Victor-exclusively announced in The Democrat.
5. Bob Fitzsimmons and his wife, Julia May Gifford, a former Scott county girl, apparently reconciled at Sioux Falls, S.D. where Julia was after a divorce.
6. High School Alumni association held its first annual banquet.
7. Union Mission's annual meeting showed debt paid off of building and work in best shape of its history.
8. Mrs. John Randolph of Davenport, Mrs. Margaret Cohn and Mrs. Adolphus Dunlap of Rock Island, all old residents, died.
9. Zip Hammerly died from cocaine and gas. Florizel Reuter and Arthur Newstead gave concert at Burtis opera house.
10. The Democrat made the exclusive announcement that the Mutual Life of New York had located a district agency, leasing 12 rooms of the Lane building. Also announced death of President William Harper of Chicago university.
11. Reports to annual meeting of Academy of Sciences show debt completely wiped out. Lillian Blauvelt and Eugene Cowles at the Burtis.
12. Long Grove, Ia. reports through the Democrat a camp of Woodmen of the World, nearly 15 years old, with 75 members, and without a death loss.
13. W.C. Putnam died.
14. Davenport Turners voted, 324 to 7, against woman suffrage.
15. Human Officer Ellmann stopped a rooster fight.
16. Sale of controlling interest in The Fair store announced; also the death of Marshall Field.
17. City council relevied Allen paving tax.
18. Opening of W.C. Putnam's will reveals munificent provision for Academy of Sciences. Theo. Kamrath fell to his death down elevator shaft at Petersen store.
19. Mayor revoked license of "The Orpheon" bar for keeping open after midnight.
20. Orpheon license reissued to Ben Raphael.
21. The Democrat made the exclusive announcement that Mme. Nordica would sing at the May festival.
22. Worst storm of season-much damage to telegraph lines.
23. Bishop Morrison spoke at debt-raising celebration of Ned Lee Mission.
24. Mayor McCaskrin of Rock Island opened war on Central Union Telephone company, having 35 of its poles cut down on various lines.
25. Gov. Cummins addressed High school graduates.
26. Dr. Otto Nordenskjold lectured on his antartic [sic] adventures.
27. Little Raymond F. Mohr died as a result of scalding from pulling plug from washing machine.
28. Jevene billiard parlor was closed.
29. Over 100 new members proposed at Academy of Science meeting.
30. Democrat's exclusive stories of investigation of charges against police Officers Denger and Feers excited much interest. Investigation declared by mayor to have exonerated them.   Good Samaritan society organized, providing free wards for the poor at Mercy hospital.


1. Jersey Ridge farmers reported King road drag had put their road in fine condition.
2. Ground hog day celebrated with ground hog supper at Unitarian church.
3. Independent 5 and 10-cent store opened with a rush that broke the windows and the china displays near the front door.
4. Northwestern Mutual Life of Milwaukee paid $84,015 on policy on life of W.C. Putnam.
5. Stockholders of Tri-City Railway and other companies voted on giving options to eastern capitalists on their plants here.
6. Davenport party went to Clinton to hear Kubelik.
7. Carroll D. Wright lectured on "The Labor Problem" in Davenport. Connell ordered large paving list, including upper Brady street.; creosoted block to be tried on Second street.
8. Southeastern Iowa lumbermen met in Davenport and attended Eva Tanguay performance at opera house.
9. Presidents Hayes and Sexton traded outfielders- Hayes getting Jesse Ruby for Swaim.
10. Frank Shaffer killed by passenger train at Walcott. Davenport won basketball game at West Liberty, 59 to 9.
11. Harry Hammerly wields knife with disabling effect in Third street scrap.
12. Gov. Cummins spoke on Lincoln at Rock Island club.
13. C. Emory Harrison returned to real estate business here from Chicago.
14. Arnold Daly and company in Bernard Shaw's plays.
15. Billy Rhodes won 15-round bout from Dick Fitzpatrick.
16. Pat Crowe acquitted in Omaha of Cudahy kidnapping.
17. Dispatches to The Democrat told in detail of wedding of Miss Alice Roosevelt and Congressman Longworth.
18. Mrs. Ida Underholt of LeClaire arrested for poisoning husband; the charge later fell through.
19. German Savings bank declared special dividend of $100,000 to buy stock of German Trust company- exclusively announced in The Democrat.
20. City council decided to pave two intersections of Second street with creosoted bricks.
21. Pat Crowe let out on bond.
22. Willie Ploog burned to death in his shanty near Pariser Garden. Mrs. John W. Buck died.
23. L.P. Best bought the Argyle flat building.
24. Florizel Reuter presented with crown and medals at City of Mexico, after musical triumph there.|
25. John L. Sullivan unburdened himself through The Democrat of a Sunday sermon on the evils of drink.
26. Charles F. Ranzow died. Remains of John Reese, drowned previous fall, identified near Quincy, Ill., by relatives from Davenport.
27. Kaffir Boys' chorus sang at St. John's M.E. church.
28. Ludwig Berg resigned management of Turner Hall.


1. Tri-city printers, in several job offices, went on strike for eight hour day. Charles Grobbe suicided because wife had deserted him.
2. Hans Niesen died. Eugene V. Debs lectured at Grand Opera house.
3. George S. Johnson bought Grupa boiler works and adjacent Second street properties.
4. Funeral of Mrs. Lydia VanSant held at LeClaire, sermon from text she had chosen, "Prepare to Meet thy God."
5. "Egypta" at the Curtis-benefit of Lend-a-Hand.
6. City council ends hot dispute by deciding not to pave West seventh street.
7. Paddy Nee of Pittsburg won fast boxing bout over "Kid" Farmer of Chicago in nine rounds.
9. The Democrat opened an opportunity for giving to relieve crippled Frances L. Ewing; generous response.
10. Hickey Bros. celebrated fifth business anniversary. Lloyd had his opening.
11. Democrat told of over 1000 people being killed in mine disaster in France.
12. Elbert Hubbard lectured under auspices of Elks' Denver club. W.R. Weir and Theodore Hartz elected school directors.
13. N.J. Buck and Thomas P. Kennedy incorporated the Kennedy-Buck Grocery company.
14. Waldo Becker nominated for mayor, heading the Democratic ticket.
15. Alfred Reisenauer, German pianist, at the Burtis.
16. $1,500,000 reported ready to buy in smaller blocks of stock in tri-city traction and power companies if the larger stockholders would agree to wait 90 days for pay for theirs.
17. Zella Hassman won Schiller piano as most popular young lady at Tuesday Dancing club's dances.
18. Hon. M.V. Gannon, Rev. J.P. Ryan and others delivered eloquent Sunday evening addresses in honor of St. Patrick.
19. William E. Welding and Diedrich Blesse died, from heart trouble. Mr. Welding at The Democrat offices and Mr. Blesse at Claus Groth hall. Family theater formally opened. Dr. H.U. Braunlich elected president of school ballot.
20. Contract for new $250,000 hotel let. Several hundred thousand dollars came to tri-cities from eastern purchasers of stock in traction, power and light companies.
21. Fair store opened under new management. Council decided to open extension of East River street and get interurban tracks out of center of Eddy street. Dr. Ludwig Fulda lectured at Turner hall.
22. Boston Store added its top floor to retail business, retiring reserve stock to leased building in rear.
23. C.A. Steele appointed secretary and business agent of the Davenport Commercial club.
24. Martin Beuthien acquitted after trial for receiving deposits in the Dixon Savings bank with knowledge that the bank was insolvent.
25. Republican city convention renominated Harry W. Phillips and nearly all the Republican city officers.
27. W.W. Lunger filed petition launching his independent candidacy for alderman of the Fifth ward.
28. Dr. D.D. Palmer goes to jail for 105 days, rather than pay fine imposed for practicing medicine without a license.
29. Henry Veiths, 13-year-old boy, killed by train near Fejervary park.
30. W.W. Lunger addressed a crowded hall, in the Hibernian building, on the issues of the municipal campaign.


1. Tri-city revival to last two months, begun.
2. Sergeant Ehlers won Robert J. French medal at company B drill.
3. Mrs. L.H. Davis died suddenly.
4. Odd Fellow dedicated Prosperity Hall.
5. Mrs. Claus Kuehl found dead, from apoplexy, at her home on Suburban island. Michael Reedy found dead in bed.
6. Republicans closed campaign with meetings in six halls about the city- Democrats wound up by distributing extra sample copies of The Democrat.
7. City election a Democratic landslide- entire ticket elected except one alderman.
8. Jay Enderton started back to Panama.
9. Bettendorf council secures late I. & I. service for its town.
10. Gustav Donald issues call for meeting to organize branch of German-American league-the Democrat is only English paper printing it.
11. Government officers assessed liquor tax to many drug stores, societies, etc. New foundry possible addition to Bettendorf shops. Bootlegger tried here for selling whisky to Deputy United States Marshal Matteson. All three exclusively told of by The Democrat.
12. The Democrat allayed public curiosity by publishing Mayor Becker's announcement that Tom Atkinson would be chief of police and P. J. Phelan night captain.
13. Ground broke for new Davenport hotel.
14. Cummins-Perkins joint debate opened at Spirit Lake. William Reckord died suddenly.
15. Evangelist William Blederwolf opened revival meetings with big men's meeting at the Armory.
16. Robert J. Silk died.
17. Tailors' strike settled on basis of union scale and open shop. "The Clansmen" at the Burtis.
18. Crowds in front of Democrat office read bulletins of terrible San Francisco earthquake. Mayor Becker and new Democratic administration took the reins of office.
19. Mr. and Mrs. Dan B. Horne observed silver wedding anniversary.
20. Democrat office receiving subscriptions to relief of earthquake sufferers at the rate of several dollars a minute.
21. Eight hundred school children at the Armory under direction of Ernst Otto for benefit of kindergartens.
23. Mrs. Ed Emerson died John Dulap died.
24. Members of Trinity Lyceum won honors in amateur theatricals, producing "Esmerelda".
25. Henry Kuhlmann and Tom Gallagher each lose a leg, several persons injured, by explosion of oxygen retort of stereoptican.
26 Big time parade marks closing week of the revival.
27. Manager Berkell of Ellie theater arranged for big tent for summer vaudeville.
28. Attorneys agreed to close offices Saturday afternoon.
29. Evangelist Biederwolf addressed men in afternoon and condemned cards, theater and dancing in the evening.
30. J.E. Calkins and J.B. Hostetler announce partnership in general photography. Davenport revival ends.


1. Dr. W.F. Stoecks elected city physician. J.F. Porter came here from St. Louis to take charge of "merger" properties.
2. John H. Gadient instantly killed by electric shock. The Democrat exclusively announced the wedding in Davenport of Albert F. Afong of a famous Honolulu family and Miss Anna E. Whiting of Davenport.
3. Nordica at the Burtis opened May festival. Davenport brewers on strike.
4. Apollo club and soloists sang "Elijah" at the Burtis.
5. Old settlers resolve to support Levi Brown for position of postmaster.
6. Dr. B.H. Hayden of Buffalo, N.Y., opened revival at Christian church.
7. Killing frost visited this section. C.J. VonMaur bought fine corner at Second street and Western avenue for $25,000.
8. Automoblie owners enjoyed "stag dinner" at Outing club.
9. Kubelik played at the Burtis opera house.
10. Disbanding of United Presbyterian church told of exclusively in The Democrat.
12. Party of 50 Eastern and Chicago capitalists spent the day looking over the tri-cities.
13. Cumberland Gun club tournament closed.- R.R. Barber of Paulina, Ia., high gun.
14. Davenport school board appointed J.L. Smart of Dubuque principal of High school and assistant superintendent of schools.
15. Greatest Sunday school convention ever held in Scott county closed in Princeton. Big revival parade in Rock Island.
16. The Democrat made exclusive announcement of plans for building fine flat building at Six and Harrison streets.
17. Congregation of Temple Emanuel purchased site for new synagogue at Eighth and Main streets.
18. Davenport High School Athletes did not win State meet at Iowa City.
19. Iowa Stationary Engineers held state convention in Davenport.
20. Knights of Colombus helped initiate big class at Iowa City.
21. Mueller mill started season's cut. Will G. Donald bought interest in Natatorium.
22. Davenport business men go to Muscatine and back in automobiles to locate interurban.
23. Injunction proceedings caused Bridges & Safeblad to close new wholesale liquor house on Third street.
24. C.M. & St. P. notified owners that State house is built largely on the road property. Walsh Bros. to become bankers; both exclusive announcements of The Democrat.
25. E.H. Whitcomb stricken with paralysis in front of the Palmer house in Chicago- exclusively announced in The Democrat.
26. Ames won State college track meeting at Des Moines.
27. May Festival at St. Anthony's church, with Genevieve Gorman as May Queen.
28. John L. Zoeckler died in Denver, Colo.
29. Benj. F. Klugger, Rock Island junk dealer, captured after fight with officers; confesses to wholesale thefts of brass from a Milwaukee road house.
30. Frank W. Smith Memorial Day orator here.
31. Kid Farmer knocked out Paddy Nee in 11th round. Mrs. C.P. Skinner of Moline rounded the golf course in 110.


1. Mrs. A.K. Fahrner died in Los Angeles. Harmonie annual concert- Chris Anderson soloist.
3.. First public concert of season at Central park. At Schuetzen park, 6 to 8:30 a.m., Pentecost concert.
4. Talbot's "Fighting the Flames" stranded here.
5. Albert Petersen's band opened summer concert series with record breaking attendance.
6. City council adopted ordinance charging license fee of $10 a day of itinerant doctors.
7. Nicholas Kuhnen died.
8. Mrs. J.D. Unangst elected department commander of the Women's Relief Corps of Iowa.
9 W.M. Butterworth won handicap golf match; J.D. Cady rounded the links in 84.
10. Spring Street chapel sold to United Presbyterians.
11. "After conferring with the president," I am coming, wired Secretary Leslie M. Shaw to anti-Cummins men; sensation at the White House, and Shaw hastened to explain.
12. Several business blocks burned at LeClaire.
13. Secretary of the Treasury spoke in Davenport in interest of the anti-Cummins fight.
14. Rough houses at Republican caucuses in several wards, owing to Cummins-Perkins fight.
15. Coal dealers of Iowa and Nebraska in convention here.
16. Republican convention opens with a riot and Cummins and Perkins delegations are both named.
17. "Nigger", canine assistant-in-chief to Police Matron Hill died.
18. Colonel Blunt issued orders for small cars and light loads on Rock Island viaduct until rebuilt.
19. Judge Bollinger ruled on Marengo mayoralty contest, seating A.M. Henderson.
20. Sixteen marriage licenses in one day, breaks the record.
21. Geo. E. Halt and Lester R. Cruetz of Moline, left the tri-cities for bicycle tour around the world.
22. General manager of Milwaukee and Burlington roads here to talk about union depot.
23. Grand Army men presented Colonel A.L. Mitchell a gold badge.
24. Edward Hoffmann shot John Esberg and Paul Ross.
25. The Democrat issued big edition dedicated to "Greater Davenport".
26. Edward Hoffmann came home from Chicago and gave himself up for Esberg murder. Big Trade Excursion left Davenport for Grinnell, Osckaloosa, etc.
27. Mayor McCaskrin of Rock Island arrested for tearing up railroad tracks.
28. Eddie Hoffmann held to grand jury, without bail, for John Esberg's murder; Ross recovering.
29. Joe Galligan knocked out "Kid" Farmer in first round in fight in Davenport.
30. Rev. J.P. Ryan pauses in wedding ceremony to deprecate in sermon the hysterical wedding celebration. Ninety-nine marriage in June-breaks report.


1. In impassioned address Rev. Mott R. Sawyers laid murder of John Esberg at door of Davenport saloons.
2. H.H. Andersen died.
3. Ellery's band here.
4. A fairly sane Fourth- little rowdyism and few accidents.
5. Washburn- Halligan company planning new warehouse- exclusively announced in The Democrat.
6. Dead body of Rose Earl, inmate of red light district, found near Fairmount cemetery. True name Kate Ryan.
7. Coroner's jury find a Greek, Peter Sardells, guilty of Kate Ryan's murder.
8. George Hoehn, cashier of First National bank, dies.
9. Democrat exclusively announces plans for two enormous buildings at Bettendorf car works.
10. Franchise in Three-Eye league offered for sale by James Hayes. Exclusively announced by The Democrat.
11. Steamer Quincy sank at Trempelean, Wis., at 10:30 p.m. Several tri-city passengers on board. No one drowned.
12. James Lee DeArmand crushed to death by elevator in store of Tri-City Electric company.
13. Martin Smith separated from $500 in diamond deal by trickery.
14. Appraisement of personal property of late W.C. Putnam filed- total, $185,000.36.
15. Elks' special train leaves for Denver- national meeting of B.P.O.E.
16. Dr. A.W. Bowman died.
17. Company B went to Muscatine for a hike back to Davenport.
18. Davenport baseball franchise sold by James T. Hayes to stock company which elected Dan. B. Horne president, Harry W. Phillips vice president, and Wm. Heuer secretary and treasurer.
19. Davenport Elks in parade at Denver won second prize for float.
20. Company B arrived at Davenport after marching from Muscatine.
21. Harvey Lee arrested for committing a long string of Davenport burglaries.
22. Louis Allers died suddenly at Walcott.
23. The Democrat announced the death of Russell Sage.
24. Davenport Turners performed and Gustav Donald delivered address at Muscatine Chautaqua.
25. Edward Jones died after surviving runaway accident several days with badly crushed skull.
26. Big demonstration by Pretzel Alley municipality which re-elects Aleck Anderson mayor.
27. Attorney Ralph Williamson appointed referee in bankruptcy.
28. Louis Schauder Jr drowned in Rock river.
29. Chicago Press club here. Letter carriers picnicked at Linwood.
30. Ringling's circus in West Davenport. Fred W. Vogt dropped dead.
31. Charles Berkell of the Ellie leases ground floor and basement of Germania house for new theater.


1. Republicans at Des Moines re-nominated Governor Cummins after a bitter factional fight.
2. Swindlers bring A.H. Waldcan here from Chicago to put up fake prizefight game, but fall.
3. Mrs. A.F. Cutter had collar bone broken in street car accident.
4. C.H. Caswell given rank of Colonel on staff of Mayor Alex Anderson of Pretzel Alley.
5. Brother finds sister in Miss Agnes Hurley after 15 years separation- exclusively told of by The Democrat.
6. Lithographers struck for eight hour day.
7. Democrats at Waterloo nominated Claude R. Porter of Centerville for governor.
8. H.A. Johnson, superintendent of construction for merged street car, power and gas companies, arrived in tri-cities and told of improvements costing $1,500,000 to be made in next two years.
9. Rev. A. Niermann observed 75th birthday anniversary. P.T. Walsh elected director of Scott County Savings bank.
10. Masons had big tent meeting at I. & I. park.
11. Tom Brown killed by electric cars at Fourth and Howell street-head and feet cut off.
12. Sunday- Fine weather. Davenport automobilists burning space and gasoline on country roads.
13. Henry Watson Cornell opened series of business talks here.
14. The Democrat exclusively announced the principal business happening of the week- the proposed additions to personnel of Security Savings bank directors.
15. Ardo Mitchell won Cup in Class A of Arsenal Golf club's invitation tourney. Joe Thomas failed to appear here for fight with Billy Rhodes.
16. E.A. Shaw has badly broken arm as result of collision of street car and carriage on Brady street hill.
17. Tower of First Presbyterian church struck by lightning.
18. Security Savings bank election added Charles Schuler, Alfred Muller, T.F. Halligan and Carl Schlegel to directory.
19. The Democrat told of the terrible earthquake at Valparaiso and elsewhere in Chili.
20. Pure Food Show opened.
21. The Democrat told of the Bryan-Sullivan fight in Chicago ending by both being endorsed.
22. Perkins Republicans organized for independent political action. President, B.T. Seaman; secretary F.D. Letts; treasurer Howard Nutting.
23. Gala band concert in greeting to Miss Celestine Fejervary, at Fejervary park.
24. Ex-Alderman Lunger carried antislot machine crusade into court. Ardo Mitchell won 1906 golf championship.
25. Ninety Davenport business men feeling tired after successful trade excursion on Milwaukee Illinois Central and Northwestern lines.
26. German-American editors of several states close convention here and attended Turner sitfungafest.
27. Davenport brewers and saloonkeepers agreed to oust lot machines and introduce other reforms.
28. The Democrat announced the failure of the Real Estate Trust company of Philadelphia, for many millions.
29. All slot machines in Davenport turned to the wall.
30. The Democrat told of the big reception to Bryan in New York.
31. C.G. Bosch of Davenport broke the record at Minneapolis, paying $5,000 for a seat in the chamber of commerce.


1. Marie Halligan, 11-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Halligan, run over and killed by street car. Death of contractor John Kelly.
2. Harry Drenter shot Grace Reed and killed himself near Argo.
3. Joe Gans walloped "Battling" Nelson at Goldfield. Frank Casey "quit" in championship fight with Abe Attell at Davenport.
4. Inbound excursion rates in effect brought many visiting merchants to town.
5. Geo. W. Bell nominated for congress at Democratic convention at Clinton.
6. Supreme lodge Modern Brotherhood decided to hold national meeting here in 1908, and Order of Harugari selects Davenport as national meeting place in 1907.
7. Miss Elizabeth Nott of Davenport won golf championship cup.
8. Harvard alumni were pulling for their rowing crew, but it lost to Cambridge in the international boat race.
9. Autoboat races, first ever held here, a success- Muscatine and Clinton boats winners.
10. H.G. Henkle fell to his death down elevator shaft at St. James Hotel.
11. Harry Pohlman shot himself through windpipe with a rifle.
12. Walter Thomas Mills lectured here for Davenport Socialists.
13. Special train with low rate took many Davenporters to DeWitt fair.
14. New Jewish synagogue at Eleventh and Brady streets was dedicated.
15. Twenty thousand dollar fire at Davenport Malting company's plant.
16. Plute club votes to disband and turn over $2,000 in cash to Davenport Commercial club.
17. Bruce T. Seaman's stinging retort to roast of Perkins Republicans by the Davenport Times was one of the features of the early campaign.
18. Joe Galligan given decision over Steve Kinney in 15-round bout; fans declared it a draw.
19. Outing club annual meeting starts membership boom.
20. Jewish New Year; special service performed by both reformed and orthodox congregations.
21. Margaret, 3-year-old daughter of President Andreen of Augustana college, burned to death. $25,000 against Street Railway company on account of accidental killing of his daughter.
23. Annual festival of Daddy Davis Clam Chowder club.
24. County Engineer Tom Murray decided not to run for the office again- exclusively announced in The Democrat.
25. Frank W. Downs badly injured by ditching automobile on Colorado mountain road.
26. Republicans of Fifth ward held caucus in basement of Edwards Congregational church.
27. German-American Central association resolved for repeal of mulct law.
28. Glucose company bought Davenport Soap company's property in order to erect big addition.
29. Henry Olsen of Dixon dropped from apoplexy and died within a few hours after acting as temporary chairman of the Republican county committee.
30. Otto Mueller of Wausau, Wis. wins honors at rifleman's championship match here.


1. Merger company paid a $30,000 dividend.
2. Democratic convention nominated strong ticket headed by Dr. J.A. DeArmand for state senator.
3. Ralph Clinton Williamson and Miss Sue Adelaide Baker married.
4. Allegation of existence of ice trust here brings denial from Davenport Ice company.
5. Mayor McCaskrin of Rock Island indicted for malicious mischief- directing policemen to tear up railroad tracks.
6. Foitball- High school 5, St. Ambrose 0.
7. Christ. Jansen won senior medal at Davenport Shooting association's closing match.
8. C.H. Kloppenburg of Long Grove died on the operating table in Davenport.
9. Associates of German Savings and Citizen's National bank presented a loving cup to retiring President F.H. Griggs.
10. Three-I league bounced Davenport and Dubuque, then let them back.
11. James Potts of Minneapolis and Clarence English of Omaha fought a 15-round draw here. Packy McFarland knocked out Billy Finucane.
12. Modern Brotherhood at Omaha decided to hold national convention here in 1908.
13. Football- Davenport High school 11. Cedar Rapids High school 0.
14. Chicago White Sox won world's championship, taking four games out of six at Chicago before 30,000 people. German Savings and Citizens' National banks opened their doors as the merged German Savings bank.
16. Kinghts of Columbus entertained Neil O'Brien, funny man of Dockstaders' minstrels.
17. J.B. Chandler, noted horseman, leased Davenport Mile track- exclusively announced in The Democrat.
18. Academy of Science unearths skeletons and many mound builders' relics near Albany, Ill.
19. Twenty-fifth anniversary of Rev. A.M. Judy's pastorate celebrated by his church at close of Iowa Unitarian convention here.
20. Jury acquitted Edward Hoffman of the murder of John Esberg. Henry Berg died.
21. The Democrat's circulation passed the 10,000 mark. Homes of Dr. J.W. Watzek and L.R. Walker burglarized.
22. Meat markets all sign for Sunday closing; dealers roast "duck raffles" conducted by saloons. Men's club of First Presbyterian church held annual banquet; Rev. Geo. Dugan of Chicago the principal speaker.
24. Steve Kinney of Milwaukee defeated Benny Yanger of Chicago in 15-round bout in Davenport.
25. Scott county standpatters met and declared against Governor Cummins. Davenport Baseball association decides to quit.
26. Pretzel Alleyites decided to run "Rathskeller" at Turner fair.
27. Silver loving cup presented to Jens Lorenzen by directors and officials of the German Savings bank, of which he had been director for 37 years.
28. Ed James of Jamestown died.
29. Death of Colonel Milton Murat Price, son of Hiram Price, in Paris, told exclusively in The Democrat.
30. Citizens' Trust and Savings bank incorporated with E.C. Walsh president, A.E. Walsh vice president, and H.R. Krohn cashier.
31. Hon. C.A. Ficke lectured on India for benefit of Industrial Relief society; Science hall crowded.


1. Governor Cummins and Congressman Dawson addressed closing meeting of Republican campaign at Turner opera house.
2. Hon. Claude R. Porter, Democratic candidate for governor.
3. Ed. Littig had foot torn off and was terribly injured in accident following football game. Score of game: Davenport 0, Rock Island 0.
4. Ed Littig died at 1:30 a.m.
5. In a page of letters in The Democrat, Christian Scientists denied slanderous stories about Mrs. Eddy.
6. Democrats elected most of county ticket and all of township ticket.
7. Workmen on large flat building struck for pay. F.J. Bailey, under arrest here, has long record as insurance swindler.
8. Y.M.C.A. lot sold to Dr. D.G. Kruel for $12,500.
9. Miss Ida Stark, pianist, received an ovation at a public recital here.
10. Granite fountain given to city by National Humane Alliance unveiled at Second and Harrison streets.
11. Miss Jennie Ekstedt, popular Boston store clerk, dies suddenly.
12. Rev. J.H. Wilson resigned as pastor of Bethlehem Congregational church.
13. Academy of Science members unearth skeletons and fine black pottery vase in Indian mound near Albany, Ill.
14. Colonel Milton M. Price buried in Arlington Cemetery, Washington. General James A. Guest of Burlington cremated here.
15. Jimmy Gardner knocked out Jack Dougherty in ninth round before Tri-City Athletic club.
16. C.S. Vincent home burglarized; "Cinders" pet bulldog, fights burglars.
17. Football- Dubuque 11, Davenport 0.
18. Jay Enderton welcomes President Roosevelt at Colon. Baptists burned mortgage on parsonage.
19. M.E. Nabstedt & Sons opened quarter century anniversary sale.
20. Elks at Davenport organize a state association.
21. Dr. and Mrs. J.W. Walzek and son Harlan were on steamer Kaiser Wilhelm der grosse in a collision with teh steamer Orinoco in the English channel.
22. Ed. J. O'Connor awarded $25,000 in damage suit against C.R.I. & P. Railway company.
23. Henry Balluff, Jack Marinan, I.T. Elalluff and Charles Nahrgang leased league ball park.
24. "Alt Heidelburg," the Turner fair opened, with Pretzel Alley Rathskeller a crowded annex. Mrs. J.W. Birchard died at Boston Mass.
25. Dr. J.B. Donaldson rounded out a 10 years' pastorate of the First Presbyterian church.
26. New survey of Muscatine-Davenport interurban started.
27. Mary Porter-Gamewell noted missionary from Davenport died. Was survivor of siege of Pekin.
28. City council returned from interesting model city electric light plant at St. Joe, Mo.
29. Engineer Cornelius T. O'Brien killed by being struck by mail hook near Atalissa, Ia.
30. Mayer, Ellsworth & Co, entered real estate and insurance business.


1. Fred Beell of Wisconsin won wrestling championship from Frank Gotch at New Orleans Saturday evening.
2. T.J. Nash of Rock Island jumps to his death from the government bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thuenen, Sr., celebrated golden wedding anniversary.
3. Mrs. Dr. J.W.H. Baker died.
4. Board of health appointed John Mullen health officer, Otto Mienert plumbing inspector, and Dr. John Wright, food inspector.
5. Presbyterian Brotherhood declared for non-partisan police force and for organization to secure a "Better Davenport."
6. Luncheon served for first time (informal opening) at Davenport Commercial club's new club house.
7. Old Ebenezer Cook home at Fourth and Rock Island streets sold at auction for $2,535.
8. Dispatches in the Democrat told of sensational attack on President Roosevelt by Bellamy Storer.
9. F.W. Chamberlin of Chamberlin & Klindt, died at Augusta, Ga.
10. The Democrat's dispatches told of crisis in conflict in France between church and state.
11. Charley Neary knocked out Young Kid Farmer in third round at Claus Groth hall.
12. Davenport teachers in mass meeting started Iowa movement for recognition of teaching as a profession.
13. Davenport police arrested 38 gambling house loafers in opening a municipal house-cleaning.
15. Scores of citizens signed petition for non-partisan police force.
16. St. John's Methodist congregation cleared away the debt on their handsome church. Dr. Fayette L. Thompson, who started the building movement, coming here from Minneapolis to complete the work.
17. Ministerial association appointed a committee to see if dance halls at which liquor was sold could be legally closed.
18. The Democrat told how Frank Gotch of Iowa won back the wrestling championship of Amercia from Fred Beell, at Kansas City.
19. Cracking of polished floors delay's prospects of occupying new High school building.
20. City council passed resolutions of consent in manufacture and sale of liquor in Davenport.
21. James E. Davis died suddenly.
22. Rt. Rev. Henry Cosgrove, Bishop of Davenport diocese, died at 7:25 pm.
23. Colored Baptists dedicated their remodeled church.
24. Biggest Christmas trade ever enjoyed by Davenport merchants came to a close.
25. Remains of Bishop Henry Cosgrove marked by imposing ceremonies; Archbishop Ireland preaching the sermon. Hans Vogt killed by cars.
28. Judge Gest in Rock Island sets aside verdict that overthrew Father Mackin's will; after record-breaking seven weeks' trial.
29. Commercial club raises membership limit to 500 and admits 54 new local members, five traveling men and 14 non-resident members.
30. A.C. Rankin, molder orator, starts State Marshal club in Davenport.
31. Delegation of Maquoketa business men comes to Davenport to ask entrance into city of an interurban from there.

Submitted by: C.J.L. Apr 2004

Davenport Democrat
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
January 29, 1907


    The Ladies Birthday club, a society of church workers, met at the home of Mrs. Frank Weldon, Thursday. The attendance was not as large as usual owing to the cold weather and rough roads. A pleasant time was had, however, and considerable business transacted. The hostess regaled the members with a fine dinner, which was enjoyed by members to the fullest satisfaction.
    The coal mine of Frank Winfield was put out of commission for a day Wednesday, by the sudden rush of water on the miners, caused by a break in some of the old workings. The damage was soon repaired and the mine resumed its wonted activity.
    A case of brutality was witnessed in this place Friday, a teamster from Davenport striking his horse in the head with the neckyoke of the wagon, felling the animal to the earth. The man's name could not be learned, but such brute should be promptly reported and dealt with accordingly to law in such cases made and provided.
    During the past week James Garvey moved his family and household goods, together with his horses and other stock from Davenport to his farm southwest of this place, purchased by him some time since, and will settle down to farm in earnest.
    William Walker is rapidly convalescing from a severe fall sustained some weeks since, in which three of his ribs were fractured. Under the skillful treatment of Dr. Tuefel of Buffalo, he is now able to walk around the house. Mr. Walker is 76 years of age and his quick recovery from such a serious injury is remarkable.
    Regular services were held Sunday in the church here, conducted by Rev. Behrens of Davenport. The children are instructed in Sabbath school by a competent corps of Sabbath school workers.
    It is learned with regret that Grandma Mosefeldt, the venerable mother of Mrs. Henry Sass of this place is seriously ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Barner, in Durant. Infirmities of old age, and other complications are the cause. The old lady is 85 years of age.
    Ed. Taylor is putting the finishing touches on the fine barn he has been building, and it is quite an important addition to his fruit farm southwest of this place.
    The ice in the ponds in this place is in prime condition, and the young people are making the most of the sport of skating these beautiful moonlight nights.

MAQUOKETA [Jackson Co.]
    Miss Bertha Hand of Mt. Vernon, Ia., is visiting at the home of her friend, Miss Belle Riegel.
    Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hurst's youngest child, a beautiful boy of four years, lies dangerously ill with lung fever. Miss Minnie Boston is the nurse in attendance.
    A "stork" shower was given at the home of Miss Lena Fischer by the P.I.G.'s in honor of Mrs. Walter Jameson. Light refreshments were served and all had a fine time. Miss Blessing won the prize.
    Ed. Ringlep, living on West Platt street, is fatally ill. The doctors are baffled by his disease. A consultation was held Saturday and it was then thought he could not live but a few days. He has a wife and four children and it would be a sad thing to see him cut down in his early manhood.
    The P.E.O. society met at the home of Mrs. Max Wright Monday evening.
    Mr.and Mrs. Frank Trout entertained 18 ladies and gentlemen Thursday evening at a 6 o'clock dinner, which was followed by cards.
    Isaiah Cooley, a man of 76 years, is ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Tracy. It seems to be his wish to pass on, to join his wife who died a few years ago.


Iowa Old Press
Scott County