Iowa Old Press

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Friday, Feb. 1, 1907

    Buffalo, Ia., Jan. 30-Mrs. C. Vogelbaugh and son Harold, who has been visiting in Cuba for the past week, returned hom Tuesday.
    Mrs. Chas. Schweetfeger returned to her home in Muscatine Saturday after having spent a week with her daughter, Mrs. A. Murer.
    E. Miner and sister, Mrs. Steuart visited friends here Saturday.
    L.M. Appel of Holly, Colo., who spent a brief time with his parents, left Friday for Chicago.

    Eldridge, Ia., Jan. 29- The Eldridge Volunteer company held its annual masquerade at the Castle hall on Saturday. Prizes were awarded as follows: First, best group. Board of Trade- Messrs. Donie, Tom and John De Cook, Elmer and Edward Noel, Herman Thomsen and William Kohl; second best group, Spanish Dancers-Misses Dale Keuhl, Lena Ewoldt, Loena Kock, Anna Ewoldt, Alcinda Wiese and Lou Wiese; third best group, Prize Fighters-Messrs. Ernest Wolf, Thomas Wolf, Whilo Carstens, Chris Madden, M.S. Radins and William Underholdt; best lady's mask, Spanish Lady-Alma Zabel; best gent's mask, Prince Carnival-Emil Voelkers; best lady's character mask, Fire Lady-Huldegarde Elmagreen; second best lady's character mask, Policeman- W. Guv; second best gent's character mask, Blacksmith-Peter Klindt; most comic mask, Hobo-Edward Elmagreen, Jr.; ugliest mask, Lady Coons- Messr. Otto and Albert Zabel; Julius Zabel of Davenport, veteran of Davenport Volunteer Fire company, received the $5 in gold given by the Eldridge Volunteer Fire company.

STOCKTON [Muscatine Co.]
    Rudie Wasner returned home from his trip to Missouri and other points Friday afternoon.
    Miss Lillian Thiel returned home from her visit in Davenport Friday morning accompanied by her friend Miss Ella Miller, of Davenport.

WILTON [Muscatine Co.]
    Wilton, Ia., Jan. 30- The W.F.H. club was pleasantly entertained Saturday evening at the home of Miss Ella Bannick. A new member Miss Edith Henderson was initiated with all the ceremony fitting such an occasion. Various games were played. Formality was laid aside closing the evening's good time with candy and popcorn. Those present were: Grace Woodhouse, Nellie Hendersen, Cora Riggenberg, Edna Smith, Lillian Hucke, Edith Hendersen, Fay Ayres, May Ruff, Stella Mooney, and Ellan Bannick.
    Chas Millwig of Davenport spent Sunday at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mellwig. [Transcriber note: Mellwig / Millwig surname as spelled in paper]
    The N.N.C. club met at the home of Mrs. D.E. Smith. The lesson was lead by Mrs.C.M. Marshall and Mrs. C.C. Bacon.
    The announcement of the marriage of Frank Rouse and Miss Sadie Cuniff of West Liberty was made at St. Mary's church on Sunday. The couple has many friends here, who will be interested in their approaching marriage.

WEST LIBERTY [ Muscatine Co.]
    West Liberty, Ia., Jan. 30- Mrs. Elias Sanders returned from Davenport last evening. She was accompanied by her grandson, Lawrence Klump, who will spend a short time visiting his grandparents.
    Mrs. George Beyers and daughter and Mrs. Harry Richards and son left for West Branch Saturday where they spent the afternoon with their sister Mrs. Howard Michener, who with her husband will soon leave for California to spend the winter.
    Mrs. Will Reed was a passenger for Atalissa Saturday noon where she visited her parents over Sunday.
    Will Maxon was an arrival from Chicago Sunday night and will visit his father and friends in town for a few days.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Tuesday, Feb. 5, 1907

    PRINCETON, Ia., Feb. 1- Mr. Wendt has been under the care of a physician for a few days with rheumatism, but is improving.
    The M.E. Ladies met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Winters.
    The ladies of the Presbyterian church gave a tea at the home of Mrs. Geo. Metzger this afternoon.
    Mrs. Fanning observed her birthday Wednesday by entertaining a party of friends and neighbors. Many from a distance came over the I. & I.
    A party of Princeton young folks went to Clinton Wednesday evening to attend the theatre.

    DIXON, Ia., Feb. 1- The icemen are fairly under way cutting ice- just about half finished.
    John Hansen, the harness maker, was a passenger for Davenport Tuesday to buy some goods for his trade.
    The members of the H.M.F. club met with Miss Anna Ketelsen Wednesday evening on Davenport street. There were 14 members present. Cinch was played at three tables and the highest score was won by Miss Clara Hansen. The second prize fell to Miss Millie Heuer. Light refreshments were served after the game.
    Geo. Hill of Perry, who came here to see his wife, was a passenger for Davenport Wednesday to call upon relatives and from there departed for home with his wife and child.
    Miss Amelia Dozelal of Oxford Junction who was here visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Schmidt, left for Davenport Monday.
    Raymond Bowling of Davenport, who is stopping here with his grandparents went to Davenport Monday to spend a few days at home.
    P.J. Thede was a passenger for Eldridge to attend business college Monday after spending the Sabbath with parents.

    BUFFALO, Feb. 1- The pupils of the primary room of the schools who received certificates of attendance for the past month are Paul Catterall, Gerald Fidlar, Elmer Wrage, Tony Schumaker, Harold Vogelbaugh, John Zeurcher, Oscar Thompson, Clifford Rostenbaugh, Lawrence McCulley, Augusta Streicher, Marie Fidlar, Flora Ochsner, Esther Westendorf, Una Rostenbaugh, Ursula Zuercher, Hazel Moore, Edna Wrage, Elsie Schumacher.
    Miss Stella Myers returned home Thursday after attending the Moore-McKeeney wedding in Long Grove.
     Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rowan were called to Des Moines Wednesday on account of the serious illness of their daughter, Mrs. Colony.
    Miss Merle Morris of Montpelier is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. McCulley.
    W.C. Appel of Tama, Ia., who has been in Chicago for several days, arrived Thursday to make a brief visit with his parents before returning home.

MAQUOKETA [ Jackson Co.]
    MAQUOKETA, Ia., Feb. 1- Mrs. Anna Crawford has arrived from Chicago and is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. C.H. Johnson.
    The mild weather of the past twenty-four hours makes it doubtful if any ice can be cut from the river at Pinhook to fill the large ice houses for the summer use.
    Will Blunt is able to be at his blacksmith shop again after a week's siege of the grip.
    Miss Rose Becker, who is employed in the J.H.C. Peterson store at Davenport is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Becker on north Matteson avenue.
    Lyle Markland, the tonsorial artist, is in charge of the Ed Ringlep barber shop on west Platte street during Mr. Ringlep's illness.
    Lawrence Cain is on the sick list.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Friday, Feb. 15, 1907

    BUFFALO, Ia., Feb. 12-  Miss Lulu Voellger of Muscatine returned home Monday morning after spending Saturday and Sunday with her cousin, Mr. H. Murer.
    Miss Mae Fleming of Davenport is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Teufil.
    A very large crowed attended the masquerade Saturday night.
    Mrs. J. McCulley and son, Lawrence, returned home Sunday after spending a week with relatives in Montpelier.
    Miss Dora Rostenbaugh returned to Davenport to resume her studies at the Davenport high school after spending a short time at home.

    JAMESTOWN, Ia., Feb. 11- The Birthday club met at the home of Mrs. William Walker, Thursday, for an all day session. Thirteen ladies were present, ten being members of the club and three visitors. Dinner was served at 12 o'clock, lots of aprons made and sold and a pleasant time reported by all. The Birthday club makes a specialty of work on the church building, painting, papering, new foundation, new carpet and the last improvement new curtains.
    Wm. Sanders has moved his family to Buffalo and he has gone to Cuba for a short time.
    Mrs. Mary Winfield continues to improve but very slowly.
    Mrs. Albert Dyer is on the sick list, Dr. Bower of Buffalo being called there Thursday.
    Good reports come from Des Moines in regard to Mrs. Della Colong. She is slowly improving although very sick yet. Her father, Charles Rowan, returned to his home in Buffalo. Mrs. Rowan still remaining at her daughter's bedside.
    Theo. Grabbe and family went to Davenport Thursday to bid goodby to Mr. Grabbe's mother, who returned to her home on Boston, Mass., Friday. She has been visiting with relatives in Davenport and Jamestown for some time.
    Mr. and Mrs. George Sparks returned home to Topeka, Kans., Friday. Mrs. Sparks has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Ochsner of Buffalo and her sister, Mrs. John Bell of Jamestown, while Mr. Sparks has been in Chicago attending to business connected with his automobile works.
    Mrs. Mary Murray went to Davenport Thursday to visit her sister, Mrs. Etta Thomas.
    News comes to Jamestown of the marriage of Miss Florence Able to Mr. Wichaman, the new proprietor of Thode's grocery store on Rockingham road. Many good wishes go with the young couple as Miss Able was born and raised in Jamestown.

    ELDRIDGE, Ia., Feb. 11-Miss Milanda Stoltenberg of Mt. Joy is here visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Gus Lafrenz.
    Mr. and Mrs. John Lench were visiting with their son, Gus Lench, residing south of town, on Saturday.
    Mrs. Will Murrison is in Davenport visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Edward Balch.
    Miss Annie Arp of New Liberty was here visiting with relatives on Sunday.
    Mrs. Henry Goetsch entertained a number of her friends on Monday, the occasion being her birthday.
    Henry Lamp, student at the Brown's business college, Davenport, came home to spend Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Lamp. He went back to his studies Monday.
    A number of Eldridge people attended the masquerade at Donahue on Saturday.

    DIXON, Ia., Feb. 11- The farmers here are busy hauling their summer's supply of ice of the best quality, 16 inches thick.
    Frank Keppy of Donahue was in town Friday and engaged two cars of ice from the King Bros.
    August Tage and son of Davenport came out  to spend the Sabbath with his brother-in-law, Hans Baumgarten.
    A.F. Ulrich, representing the Beatrice Creamery company of Chicago, was in town looking up business for his house Saturday.
    Jay Wulf, veterinary surgeon of Grand Mound, was summoned here Thursday by Henry Brockmann. One of his horses was badly kicked by another horse that got loose in the barn.
    The Thursday afternoon club met with Mrs. Larenze Paulsen Cinch was played during the afternoon and the prize for highest score went to Miss Hilda Thede and the consolation prize was won by Mrs. John Hickson. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Clara at the home of Mrs. Wilbur Ruch February 21.
    The members of the H.M.T. club met with Miss Jessie Newhouse one mile south of Big Rock and two and one half  miles west of Dixon Saturday evening. Nearly all the members being present they surrounded three tables in playing cinch. Miss Lillie Meinert was awarded the highest score while Miss Hilda Thede received the consolation prize for the lowest score. After the games, light refreshments were served, of which all the members partook and enjoyed themselves with their hostess. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Clara Petersen Wednesday evening.

    LECLAIRE, Ia., Feb. 11- Mrs. Sarah Brickman, who died at Mercy hospital, Davenport, Sunday morning was a long time resident of LeClaire, having lived here for about 53 years. She was born in Gustavus, Trumble county, Ohio, Dec. 22, 1811 making her past 95 years of age at the time of her death. Abou two years ago her strength and mental faculties failed on account of old age, since which time she has remained at Mercy hospital under the direction of a guardian. Mrs. Brickman has been a remarkable woman all her life, a consistent member of the M.E. church for about 80 years, having the respect and confidence of all who knew her.
    Mrs. Ella Tesson returned home Friday evening after a pleasant visit with her daughter in Keokuk.
    Among the passengers on a southbound I & I car Saturday morning were C.F. Graham, Frank Ney, D.F. Dorrance, Mrs. Eunice Martin, Mrs. J.F. Fedderson and sons, and Miss Fannie Davison.

WEST LIBERTY [Muscatine Co.]
    WEST LIBERTY, Feb. 12- The Epworth League will give a valentine social at the home of W.J. Stevens of East Sixth street, Friday evening, February 15.
    The many friends of John Evans will be grieved to learn of his serious illness. On Friday evening he came from Davenport and seemed to be in his usual health and late in the evening retired to his room. About 3 o'clock Saturday morning his son Fred, was awakened by a noise down stairs, and he at once went down to his father's room and found him on the floor unconscious. They at once summoned a doctor ,who pronounced it convulsions caused by poisoning. He still remains unconscious but at times rallies and seems to be rational.
    Mrs. E.F. Foster returned to her home at Columbus Junction, Saturday noon, after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Lempher, for several days.
    Mr. John Maher and children, returned to their home at Cedar Bluffs, Ia., Saturday noon, after visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Lahey, of Elm street, for the past few days.
    A.E. Gates met with a painful accident Saturday. He was on the roof of his house and in some way lost his footing and fell to the ground. He was found in an unconscious condition, but after a short time he gained consciousness and medical aid was summoned. Upon examination ti was found that no bones were broken, but was severely bruised. At last report he was resting easily.
    Mrs. Hannah Kerr, departed for Chicago, Saturday noon, where she will make an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. A.A. Hardin.
    Mrs. John De Mean has taken possession of the Carlos Briggs property on New Calhoun street.
    Mrs. Elzina Hawley came from Davenport Saturday evening and spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. F.J. Briggs and on Monday she departed on the fast mail for Des Moines to visit friends for a short time.
    Mr. and Mrs. Theo Jones spent Sunday in Atalissa with relatives and assisted in celebrating the sixty-fourth wedding anniversary of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.P. Stucker.
    Miss Etta Sanders, after spending Sunday with her parents, returned to Davenport Monday noon.

ATALISSA [Muscatine Co.]
    ATALISSA, Ia., Feb. 12- Zell Lamb, Helen Walters, Vesta Croxen, Vera Miller and Nell Scott were entertained by a slumber party given by Jessie Van Horne last Saturday night. The young ladies report a most delightful time.
    Mr. and Mrs. Halbert Heberling are the proud parents of a baby girl.
    Mrs. Davis of Newton is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Whitehead.
    Mr. and Mrs. R.P. Stucker, who have passed their eighty-fourth mile stone and 64 years of wedded life, were surprised Sunday by a home gathering of all their children to celebrate the event. Mr. and Mrs. Stucker are the parents of nine children, six sons and three daughters, all living and residents of Atalissa, and vicinity, except one daughter, a resident of West Liberty, Ia. The combined ages of the family aggregate 633 years. There are also 15 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. These old people are gifted with the most remarkable ability. Their many friends rejoice to see them in such good health and hope they may live to celebrate Feb. 10 their anniversary, many times again.
    The many friends of Mrs. Doughony were grieved to hear of her death, which occurred Saturday night. She has made her home in this place for many years.

WILTON [ Muscatine Co.]
    WILTON, Ia., Feb. 11- The enterprising firm of Strong & Potter has purchased the D.S. Wright shoe stock and hereafter will carry a full line of up-to-date shoes.
    At 10:30 o'clock Thursday morning at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Worker occurred the marriage of Miss Nora Worker and Mr. Clarence Carl of Tipton. The affair was a surprise to the many friends of both parties. The bride is a charming young lady and has been engaged in teaching school for a short time. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Carl of Tipton and is a prosperous, energetic young farmer. The couple departed for Chicago, where they will spend their honeymoon. They will be at home to their friends after a few weeks on a farm in Bennett.
    Mrs. Don Stiboldt returned to Davenport after few week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Luellen.
    Mrs. W.G. Johnson returned from Iowa City Thursday evening, where she visited a few days with her mother, Mrs. Hill.
    WILTON, Ia., Feb. 12- Rev. and Mrs. P.M. Conant of Muscatine arrived Monday for a few days visit with the latter's parents, Mr .and Mrs. S.H. Wise.
    Harry Blizzard of Fonda arrived Monday for a few days' visit with his sister, Mrs. Geo. Woodhouse.
    Mrs. Lulu Ayres who had been visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Henry Meyers at Wrayville, returned home Monday.
    Mrs. J.R. Brown was a passenger to West Liberty Saturday where she will visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Louis Kapfer.

MAQUOKETA [Jackson Co.]
    MAQUOKETA, Ia., Feb. 12- Miss Maud Murray of Preston, Ia., has arrived and taken a position in the C.W. Comstock store.
    The Wilcox ice cutting gang were forced to quit work on the river at Pinhook yesterday, the sudden rise in temperatures the past few days having put the ice in bad condition. The large store-houses are only two-thirds full.
    Linn Taubman and family are packing up and loading their household goods, getting in readiness to move to Missouri where they will settle on a farm near the town of Lockwood. They have the best wishes of a large circle of friends.
    Attend the B.Y.P.U. "Hard Times" social on Valentine evening at the home of Miss Jean Stengel.
    Miss Lulu Beaver is now clerking in the dry goods department at the C.R. Cave store.
    Mrs Kate Russell has purchased the Dr. C.W. Smith farm in Fairfield township.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Friday, Feb. 22, 1907

     BUFFALO, Ia., Feb. 19- Mrs. J. Bell spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Ochsner.
    Miss Frances Flemming Sundayed with her sister, Mrs. Teufel.
    The funeral of Mrs. Thomas was largely attended Sunday afternoon, Rev. Behrens of Davenport officiated.
    Mr. and Mrs. Foth of Davenport spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Seydel.
    Mrs. M. Hassler returned Friday from an extended visit with her parents in Keezleton, Va.
    The teachers and pupils of our schools extend many thanks to Mrs. E.M. Harrison for her donation of books and magazines to the library.
    Miss Josie Strohmeier arrived Saturday afternoon en route for Andalusia to spend Sunday with her parents.
    Mrs. J. Mohr of Blue Grass spent Sunday with her parents, Mr and Mrs. C. Metzger.
    Miss Ivale Thoene left for Muscatine Monday morning to resume her studies after spending Saturday and Sunday at home.
    Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dorman and daughter Lurene of Rock Island spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. A.H. Dorman.
    Miss Agnes Porstman has returned home after spending a week with relatives in Moline.
    The Ladies Aid society will meet with Mrs. J. Waspi Thursday afternoon.

    DIXON, Ia., Feb. 19- Ed King is preparing to commence sawing lumber.
    B.W. Padgham of Bennett came home to spend a few hours with his father Saturday.
    Geo Walton of Tipton, who has been here for the past few days cutting wood, left for home Saturday.
    Otto Carstens is reported improving nicely after having the typhoid fever.
    Jens Dierksen has his woodshed nearly finished on his new property. When the house is built it will loom up like the Flat Iron square.
    Wm Riley of Allens Grove is moving onto the Alec Lendt farm, two miles north of town.
    Peter Thede of Davenport, but a former Dixonite, came out here Friday evening to spend the night with his son, J.H. Thede,. He also called upon his sister, Miss Peter Thomsen and returned home Saturday.
    Mrs. L.B. St. John of Brushville, was in town Friday in route for Bennett to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Puls, near Sunbury.
    Mr. and Mrs. Frank Janner, of Sutherland, after a very enjoyable visit here with Mrs. Janner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rud Schwein, left for home Friday.
    Mrs. S.E. Conner went to Bennett to see her daughter, Mrs. Johann.
    Morris Villmont, after a few days' visit with his brother, Victor Villmont of Wellsburg, returned home Saturday.
    The members of the H.M.T. club were pleasantly entertained at the home of Miss Clara Petersen Wednesday evening. On account of the inclement weather, all of the members were not present. Two tables were surrounded at cinch. The highest score was awarded to Miss Mabel Chronwick and the second was won by Miss Hilda Thede. After the games light refreshments were served. The next meeting will be with Miss Winnie Flenker.

DEWITT [Clinton Co.]
    DEWITT, Ia., Feb. 19- Mrs. Mary Cavanagh went to Cedar Rapids yesterday morning on business. Mrs. Cavanagh expects to move to that city in about ten days. John Mangen, having rented her place, will move here some time in the near future.
     Miss May Wolfe returned to her home at Lost Nation yesterday after spending some time with relatives here.
Funeral for Mrs. Jno. Spain.
    Mrs. John Spain of Petersville was buried at that place Monday morning at 12:15 o'clock at the Catholic church there, Father Lien officiating. Mrs. Spain died after a lingering illness of some months. She was born at Ottawa, Canada, and was about 69 years of age at the time of her death. She is survived by six sons and five daughters, her six sons acting as pall bearers. The deceased has lived in that part of the country for many years, and was a lady of excellent character. A large cortege followed her to her resting place.

    DEWITT, Ia., Feb. 20- W.H. Schlabach returned home from Oklahoma yesterday, where G.M. Smith and he have been for the past two weeks, visiting different cities with the intention of organizing an insurance company. They finally selected Oklahoma City, and the necessary capital having been secured, the new company will be ready for business about April 1. Mr. Smith returned from there several days ago.
     O.Hunter of Milwaukee was buried here with services at the Congregational church at 10 o'clock this morning. Mr. Hunter was a resident of DeWitt for many years previous to his moving to Maquoketa, and was well and favorably known to all.
     John Guinan and Ash Whitemore each went into Chicago with a car of stock of their own feeding yesterday.
    Miss Mary Ryan returned home to Davenport after spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Joseph Yagge.
    Frank Blair and Tom Kirtley left for Narivosa, N.M., yesterday morning to look at the country. If they like it, Mr. Blair intends to move his family there some time in the near future.
    Mrs. Jas Robinson, of Welton, spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr .and Mrs. John Philibert.
    Mrs. Noel, of Noel Station, who has been visiting DeWitt friends for the past few days, left for Clinton yesterday to visit friends there.

Daily Times
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Tuesday, Feb. 26, 1907

Little Town of Denmark, Ia., Much Alarmed
Piece of Gas Pipe Loaded with Explosive Found in Rev. Manchester's Yard.

FORT MADISON, Ia., Feb. 22- The little town of Denmark, eight miles north of this city, is in a state of excitement over an attempt to blow up the house of Rev. C.N. Manchester, pastor of the Baptist church. A loaded piece of gas pipe was thrown into his yard, the explosion frightened the whole town, but no one was injured, and no property damaged. The following day he received a letter notifying him to leave within ten days.

Spoon in School House.
    IOWA CITY, Ia., Feb. 22- Two more young people have been caught in the act of committing burglary in the Fourth ward school and Janitor E.J. Ross of that institution added another pair to the list of guilty marauders that he has tabbed of late. Mr. Ross, however, extended mercy for the last time, when he released the couple with a solemn warning not to spoon there again.

Old Will is Filed.
    ATLANTIC, Ia., Feb. 22- A curious old will had been filed in the office of the clerk of the district court here. Asa A. Runyan is the name of the decedent and the will is dated 1848, in Louisville county, Kentucky. The will leaves the slaves to his wife and disposes of his other property to his children. Included in the estate are 160 acres of Cass county land, hence the filing of the will here.

Janitor Accused of Theft.
    MOUNT PLEASANT, Ia, Feb. 22- Deputy Marshal Dunlap of Keokuk was here last week and took Robert Anderson to Ottumwa where he is to appear before United States Commissioner Hunt on the charge preferred by the postal authorities. Anderson was janitor in the local postoffice for many years up to a few weeks ago when some mail matter was tampered with and charged to Anderson. He arranged for a bond and for his hearing before the federal grand jury, if one is necessary.

Cashier Dies of Injuries.
   COUNCIL BLUFFS, Ia., Feb 22- R.B. Felton, cashier of the State bank of Underwood was fatally injured in a collision between a street car and a string of Great Western freight cars Tuesday afternoon in this city. his right leg was horribly mangled from the thigh down. The limb was amputated at the hip, and Felton survived the operation only a short time.

Revere House is Sold
    CLINTON, Ia., Feb. 22- The Revere hotel, one of Clinton's oldest hostelries, has changed hands. The property, which was owned by Mrs. Milo Smith, was purchased by Dr. T.B. Charleton of this city. The consideration was not stated, but it is understood to have been $18,000.

Aged Banker Dies.
    SIDNEY, Ia., Feb. 22- W.T. Frazer, cashier of the National Bank of Sidney, died at his home here Tuesday evening. Mr .Frazer lived in Fremont county for 40 years and had been engaged in the banking business in Sidney since 1875. He was 47 years of age and a native of Virginia.

Death of Mrs. W. Mueller.
    MUSCATINE, Ia., Feb. 22- At the advanced age of 83 years occurred the death of Mrs. Wilhelmina Mueller, at 8 o'clock Wednesday. She breathed her last at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Phillips, at 1037 Lucas street. The aged woman had been in frail health all winter.

Left Her Clerk the Hotel.
    NEWTON, Ia., Feb. 22- It is reported that the will of Mrs. Martha Croft, who died at Colfax Saturday, left the hotel property and fixtures to her clerk, Henry Thomas, who has been in the employ of the Mason house for many years. The nieces and grandnieces, it is said, will receive land and other property. The estate totals, it is declared, about $175,000.

Acquitted of Perjury.
    ALBIA, Ia., Feb. 22- Arthur Ball, a negro residing at Buxton, Ia., has been acquitted of perjury. Bell testified before the coroner's jury in the case of Nannie Taylor, who was charged with murdering her husband. Bell was drunk, it is said, when he appeared before the coroner's jury and made a statement which he admitted was not true.

Death of Mrs. Becker.
    MUSCATINE, Ia., Feb. 22- With appalling suddenness and while cherrily chatting with several ladies who had called to visit her over Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Henry Becker, residing at 108 Van Horne street, sank to a couch, became unconscious and expired a few moments later.

Newton Men Plead Guilty.
    NEWTON, Ia., Feb. 22- Henry French and Frank Livingston has changed their pleas from not guilty to guilty to the charge of larceny from a building. They are accused of stealing brass from the Bond Bottling works.

Kept Liquor Nuisance
    MOUNT PLEASANT, Ia., Feb. 22- The district court was busy here with the trial in the case of the state vs. John Hyde for keeping a liquor nuisance at Coppock. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty at a late hour last night.

Thinks Daughter Eloped.
    DES MOINES, Ia., Feb. 22- The assistance of the police was enlisted by Charles Hoke of Chesterfield, in the search for his daughter, Ida Hoke, he believes that the young woman has eloped with Sam L. Speck, a molder. The girl is 16 years of age.

Faces Larceny Charge
    NEWTON, Ia., Feb. 22- Joe Church was brought here from Chariton where he was arrested on the charge of larceny. He is charged with being involved in the reign of petty thievery in the northern part of Jasper county.

Paralysis May be Fatal.
    MOUNT PLEASANT, Ia., Feb. 22- John G. Budde, an old resident of Henry county, formerly county treasurer, was stricken with paralysis and on account of other complications of age, being almost 80 years old, serious results are feared.

Says Husband was Cruel.
    MARSHALLTOWN, Ia., Feb. 22- Mrs. T.H. Bendiage, the wife of a prominent hardware dealer, has applied for a divorce, charging cruel and inhuman treatment.

    BUFFALO, Ia., Feb. 22- Mrs. V. Rauch is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. Strohm, Davenport.
    Miss Adella Streicher left Tuesday for Sunbury where she will visit relatives.
    Katherine Bald, Elsie Schomaker, Hazel Moore, Ursula Zeurcher, Tony Schomaker, Claude Neumeister, Clifford Rostenbauch, Eugene Westendorf, John Zeurcher, and Paul Catterall of the primary room of school have received certificates of attendance for the past month of school.

    DONAHUE, Ia., Feb. 22- Bart Blackman of Pleasant Valley is visiting with his parents this week, Mr. and Mrs. B. Blackman of this place.
    William Erps and Miss Ruby Drummonds were united in marriage Tuesday evening at the home of he bride's sister, Mrs. Samuel Flynn at Davenport. Mr. and Mrs. Erps will visit among friends and relatives for a couple of weeks and Mr. Erps expects to work in a store for a relative.
    C. Burmeister made a flying trip to Eldridge Monday.

    M'CAUSLAND, Ia., Feb. 22- A happy little visitor came to the home of J.J. Martin last week. A 10-pound baby boy.
    We are all sorry to hear of the death of Frank Ingraham, the well known farmer, whose death occurred at Des Moines last week.
    Pat Hirl shipped two carloads of hogs last week.
    Mrs. Hattie Garker spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Chas Walker of Davenport.
    Mrs. Chas Sheridan Jr and family spent a few days with Chas Sheridan, Sr of Gambril, Iowa.
    Miss Hazel is on the sick list but is improving.
    Jacob Petersen, D. Bramer and James Carter leave for South Dakota next week where they will farm.
    Chas Arkie is moving on to the arm he bought from John Tullmer.
    L. Marshall of Meadsville, Mo., moved onto the farm owned by the Ed Morey estate. Mr. Marshall has 85 Missouri mules with him.
    F.J. Lessin received a car of salt last Tuesday.
    The death of Mrs Augton was quite a shock to the people around here. She lived with her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Hudson, who lived on the Ed Morey estate farm, west of town.
    John Stertchtes moved on the farm owned by Hattie Garber, formerly owned by Geo. Bishop.
    Wm. Mooney who has been on the sick list is improving.

    LECLAIRE, Ia., Feb. 21- Elmer E. Knapp was happily surprised last evening when a number of his friends gathered unannounced at his home to help him celebrate his birthday anniversary. The hours were spent in games and conversation after which a lunch was served. The evening was thoroughly enjoyed by the self-invited guests.
    Mesdames N.M. Smith and C.S. Simpson left Wednesday morning for Indiana where they will receive treatment for rheumatism at a sanitarium.
    Mrs. Elmer McCraney entertained the Dorcas society Tuesday night.
    Mrs. Derwin Dorrance and nephew Herschel Dorrance, went to Davenport yesterday to visit Mr Dorrance who is a patient at Mercy hospital.

WILTON [ Muscatine Co.]
    WILTON, Ia., Feb. 22- The funeral services of John Friday were held at the home at 10 o'clock Wednesday and were in charge of Rev. Julius Doden, pastor of the Lutheran church and Rev. N.A. McAuley pastor of the Prebyterian church. Those who attended from out of town were Mrs Emma Schless, and John Schless of Dundee, Ia., Mrs. Humphrey, Fred Friday and son, Fred of Valley Junction.
    The Woman's club met at the home of Mrs Pye Wednesday afternoon. The study of English literature was begun with Mrs Ida More as leader. A splendid magazine article. "A Day in Old Oxford," was given by Miss Clara Dodge.
    Geo. McCollum and Miss Anna Christensen were united in marriage at 5 o'clock Wednesday evening at the Grace Reform parsonage, Rev. J.B. Bloom performed the ceremony. The couple are both Davenport people but will reside in Sunbury.
    Guyford Leith, who is attending the S.U.I. arrived Thursday evening to spend a few days with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. A.R. Leith. Tom Scroggs accompanied him.
    Mrs. A.E. Ford, who has been visiting the past two weeks with her mother, Mrs. Wm Johnston, returned to her home in Grinnell Thursday.
    Ray Woodhouse, medical student at the State University, arrived Thursday for a few days visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woodhouse.
    Miss Lillian Miller of Iowa City arrived Thursday, and will visit several days with her cousin, Miss Etta Bannick.

DEWITT [Clinton Co.]
    DeWitt, Ia., Feb. 22-VEn. Mother Gertrude of the mother house of the Sisters of Mercy at Cedar Rapids was a visitor at the Convent of Mercy here yesterday.
    John Bloom, cashier of the DeWitt Savings bank, purchased the building now occupied by the Iowa Association Mutual Fire Insurance company yesterday from W.H. Schlabach, for a consideration of $4,500. Possession will be given about March 1. The insurance company will probably remain in its old quarters.
    Simon Lawler the drayman, sold his fine team of sorrell horses which he used on his dray, to Peter Stoterau, for a good price. Mr. Lawler also bought a fine horse at the Wiese sale.
    James and Clyde Tague went to Davenport this morning to spend a few days visiting relatives.

MAQUOKETA [ Jackson Co]
    MAQUOKETA, Ia., Feb. 22- Postmaster A.M. Phillips did the mail throwing on the Maquoketa-Davenport run in place of the regular agent, J.W. McMeans, who was ill.
    Miss Lucy Bailey has been on the sick list the past week with the grip.
    Leslie Clark arrived last evening from Iowa City and will enjoy an over-Sunday vacation visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.W. Clark.
    At the pleasant country home of Henry Heinke, two and a half miles south of town, last Wednesday evening at 6:30 o'clock occurred the marriage of Miss Carrie Roemer and Paul Heinke, Rev. D.F. Boomershine of the Reformed church of this city spoke the words uniting these two young people for all time to come. The spacious home was filled with the 150 invited guests. After the usual congratulations a fine wedding supper was served. Many beautiful and useful presents were received. After a visit with relatives at Onslow, Ia., the happy young people will settle on what is known as the Fred Lockwood farm south of town and enjoy life. They have the best wishes of a host of friends for their future success and happiness.



Iowa Old Press
Scott County